[gnu.andrew at redhat.com: Re: OpenJDK 8u and Backport Bugs]

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Thu Dec 17 14:20:10 UTC 2020

On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 6:11 AM Langer, Christoph
<christoph.langer at sap.com> wrote:
> As for those two points: I can understand them - as specific requirements for your workflow within your company, I guess.

I believe the intention is quite the opposite. Instead of tracking or
assigning backport assignments internally -what we've been doing so
far-, we are proposing a process to do it in the open; so everyone in
the community can participate in the same way. As you well pointed
out, this could be potentially achieved with comments in the main
ticket. However, I see value for every company/organization/individual
in generating automatic reports and tracking overall progress easily
-as Severin said, tracking comments is not feasible-. Again, this
could be achieved with labels; but I agree with Dalvid in not
polluting JBS main-bug tickets -particularly when there is a
'Backports' feature in JBS for exactly that, and we can make more
things explicit in addition to the assignee-.

I'll give you a more concrete example. If we want JDKs to remain
compatible, we need to track bugs for parity. Ideally, this effort
should be distributed throughout the community. We need to be able to
get statistics of the overall progress, not just what we are doing
internally at Red Hat.

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