[8u] Questions for 8217581: JDK 8 javadoc man page does not list correct values for -source

Jie Kang jkang at redhat.com
Tue Jan 7 13:28:45 UTC 2020


I looked into JDK-8217581 [0] for OpenJDK 8. This was listed in 8u242
Rampdown: Bug Triage email on jdk8u-dev mailing list [1].

The bug references OracleJDK javadocs, which according to the
description in [2] are not shipped from OpenJDK project. I have looked
at OpenJDK javadocs for jdk/jdk, jdk-updates/jdk11u-dev and
jdk8u/jdk8u-dev projects and compared to the javadocs uploaded by
Oracle @ docs.oracle.com for OracleJDK 13, 11, 9 and 8 to see how
things differ and if the issue is relevant.

The docs issue is present in jdk8u-dev as well as jdk11u-dev. However
there are major changes to OpenJDK javadocs structure in 12+ from [2]
and changes to project and doc structure from JEP 296 and JEP 299 make
it more effort to track the history properly to see if an appropriate
backport can be found.

It would be very easy for me to prepare a patch for 8 and/or 11, but
it could be problematic to not have it trickle down from a newer line
of development. I'd appreciate guidance on this, I guess from the
maintainers for 8. If it's acceptable to say, write a new patch for
11, and then use that for 8, or write new patches for separately for 8
and 11, I can do that. Let me know!



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