Marlin renderer patches for jdk8u integration
Andrew John Hughes
gnu.andrew at
Thu Jan 16 17:16:09 UTC 2020
On 16/01/2020 09:07, Severin Gehwolf wrote:
> On Thu, 2020-01-16 at 09:55 +0100, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>> Should I mark it with the jdk8-backport-request label too ?
> No, please don't. jdk8u-fix-request label should get added for already
> *R*eviewed bugs (if they need a review, that is). In fact, the "Fix
> Request" comment should include the review thread and the people who
> approved it in that case.
> Thanks,
> Severin
Yeah, the process is something along the lines of:
1. Get a copy of the patch to backport from (preferably) 11u.
2. Shuffle the paths using jdk11/bin/ -to9 <11patch>
<9patch> to get a patch that works with split repos. In some cases, this
may mean multiple patches for different repos, or there may be multiple
changesets in 11u (if it was done before the split)
3. Shuffle again using jdk9/common/bin/ <repo>
<9patch> <8patch> for each repo patch.
4. Try and apply the patch to the repo using hg import <patch>. If this
succeeds, go to #6. Otherwise:
5. Fix the patch so that it applies. This may require identifying other
patches which need to backported first, in which case you start this
process again with that fix.
6. Build the resulting JDK, altering if necessary. Again, this may end
up needing dependent backports.
6. Run any tests that are introduced or touched by the patch to make
sure they pass. Again, you may find a missing dependency.
7. You now should have a working patch. If no changes were necessary
other than path shuffling, proceed to step #10. Otherwise, step #8.
8. Use the webrev tool to create a webrev [0]. Post a mail to jdk8u-dev
with the subject "RFR: <bug ID> <bug description>", asking for a review.
Explain the motivation and what technical changes were necessary to make
the patch work with 8u. Include a link to the bug and to your webrev
uploaded on If you can't upload to, ask someone with OpenJDK authorship status to do so
on your behalf.
9. Wait for a successful review from an OpenJDK 8u reviewer. See [1] for
the list.
10. Go to the bug in JIRA and add the label 'jdk8u-fix-request'. Write a
comment preceded with "Fix Request [8u]". Explain the motivation for the
fix, and either explain that it applies cleanly to 8u with patch
shuffling, or link to the successful review thread on the mailing list.
If you don't have bug database access, someone will need to do this on
your behalf.
11. Wait for an 8u maintainer to add jdk8u-fix-yes to the bug.
12. The change can now be pushed to the appropriate jdk8u-dev repository
[2]. If you don't have committer or above status, someone will need to
to do so on your behalf.
13. Pat yourself on the back, having successfully got a patch into
OpenJDK 8u.
Hope that helps (and I didn't miss anything),
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (
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