[8u] TLSv1.3 RFR: 8245653: Remove 8u TLS tests

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Wed Jul 29 21:12:29 UTC 2020

On 5/24/20 2:21 PM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
> Please review changes required to backport TLSv1.3 protocol from JDK11.0.7 to JDK8u

Hi Alexey,

Thanks for proposing a patch for Step 10 - 8245653. A few comments below.

Files that we might want to delete because they were modified in JDK-11

 * test/sun/security/ssl
  * CertPathRestrictions
   * JSSEServer.java
   * TLSRestrictions.java
  * ClientHandshaker
   * RSAExport.java
  * DHKeyExchange
   * LegacyDHEKeyExchange.java
  * GenSSLConfigs
   * main.java
  * HandshakeHash
   * MyProvider.java
  * HandshakeOutStream
   * NullCerts.java
  * InputRecord
   * ClientHelloRead.java
   * SSLSocketTimeoutNulls.java
  * ProtocolVersion
   * HttpsProtocols.java
  * SSLContextImpl
   * CustomizedCipherSuites.java
  * SSLEngineImpl
   * DelegatedTaskWrongException.java
  * SSLSocketImpl
   * CheckMethods.java
   * NonAutoClose.java
   * SSLSocketImplThrowsWrongExceptions.java
   * SetClientMode.java
  * ServerHandshaker
   * AnonCipherWithWantClientAuth.java
   * GetPeerHostClient.java
   * GetPeerHostServer.java
  * SocketCreation
   * SocketCreation.java
  * X509TrustManagerImpl
   * Symantec
    * Distrust.java
   * CheckNullEntity.java
  * rsa
   * SignatureOffsets.java
   * SignedObjectChain.java
 * test/com/sun/net/ssl
  * SSLSecurity
   * ProviderTest.java
   * TruncateArray.java
 * test/javax/net/ssl
  * ALPN
   * MyX509ExtendedKeyManager.java
   * SSLServerSocketAlpnTest.java
   * SSLSocketAlpnTest.java
  * SSLParameters
   * UseCipherSuitesOrder.java
  * SSLSession
   * CheckMyTrustedKeystore.java
  * ServerName
   * SSLEngineExplorer.java
   * SSLSocketExplorer.java
  * TLSv11
   * EmptyCertificateAuthorities.java
   * GenericBlockCipher.java
   * GenericStreamCipher.java
  * TLSv12
   * ShortRSAKeyGCM.java
   * SignatureAlgorithms.java
  * ciphersuites
   * DisabledAlgorithms.java
  * etc
   * keystore
   * truststore
  * sanity
   * pluggability
    * CheckSSLContextExport.java
  * templates
   * SSLExplorer.java
  * GetInstance.java
 * test/sun/net/www/protocol/https
  * HttpsClient
   * ProxyAuthTest.java
   * ServerIdentityTest.java
  * HttpsURLConnection
   * B6216082.java
   * B6226610.java
   * CheckMethods.java
   * DNSIdentities.java
   * HttpsCreateSockTest.java
   * HttpsSocketFacTest.java
   * IPAddressDNSIdentities.java
   * IPAddressIPIdentities.java
   * IPIdentities.java
   * Identities.java
   * PostThruProxy.java
   * PostThruProxyWithAuth.java
   * RetryHttps.java
  * NewImpl
   * ComHTTPSConnection.java
   * ComHostnameVerified.java
  * ChunkedOutputStream.java

If there is a reason not to delete them, please let me know.

Files that should be removed because they do not exist in JDK-11, were
relocated or renamed:

 * test/sun/security/ssl
  * SSLContextImpl
   * DefautlCacheSize.java
    * Relocated to SSLSessionContextImpl (there might be file changes as

SSL-related tests that are in JDK-8 but not in JDK-11:

 * test/sun/net/www/protocol/https
  * HttpsClient
   * OriginServer.java
 * test/sun/security/ssl
  * SSLEngineImpl
   * CloseInboundException.java
  * SessionIdCollisionTest.java

Are we sure that we want to keep them? I'd like to have a quick look and
make sure that we want to keep them.


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