[8u] RFR : TLSv1.3 protocol support

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Thu May 7 17:56:44 UTC 2020


To proceed with the review of this proposal, we agreed on the following:

 * There will be a rebase of Webrev.04 to get TLS-related files from 11.0.7
  * Webrev.05 will be based on 8u262 (so no changes between 8u242 /
8uMR3 and 8u262 should be missing)

 * Files replaced will appear as new files in the changeset, and changes
on top of them will appear in a separate patch
  * This view is mainly for reviewing purposes. We will then decide how
to make it visible in the repository.

 * Current test failures on sun/security/ssl will be fixed
  * No regressions should be observable in JDK-tier1, JDK-tier2 and

 * As a review strategy, I'll separate patch changes in 2 groups:
  * Changes within sun/security/ssl namespace
   * Focus will be on changes required on top of replaced files to work
on 8u
   * This should work as a coherent unit, implementation of the SunJSSE
provider and javax.net.ssl API
  * Changes out of sun/security/ssl namespace
   * Focus will be on each particular change
    * File replacement is not expected here
  * For each group, I need to understand the rational behind each change
and the implications on other files (involved changesets scope)
   * We will document these findings in the public list (here)

 * Azul may decide to propose a fallback scheme to bring the 'legacy' 8u
TLS engine as a configurable non-default provider. This was not strictly
required as part of my review but we will certainly evaluate it.

 * More independent reviewers are welcomed. So far, there are internal
reviewers from Azul and externals from Red Hat.

 * Target date for inclusion is still under discussion; but most of the
review work is expected for the end of May.


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