[8u] RFR : TLSv1.3 protocol support

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Thu May 14 20:08:23 UTC 2020

Hi Alexey,

I'll be reviewing step by step, starting with 0 now and running test
suites in parallel.

Step 0

A few comments / questions:

 * Shouldn't we include sun/security/ssl/EphemeralKeyManager.java,
sun/security/ssl/JsseJce.java, sun/security/util/HostnameChecker.java
and sun/security/ssl/SunJSSE.java as part of the files deleted by Step 0?
  * I see changes for all of them in 8196584 and, according to our
strategy, they are in sun/security/ssl directory and will be file-replaced.
  * I'm okay if you prefer to keep
sun/security/ssl/EphemeralKeyManager.java out of this group because the
change in 8196584 was just a copyright date update -I'm not sure why
because the file was not modified-.

 * Why was sun/security/ssl/KeyManagerFactoryImpl.java not modified? I
see a change in 8196584.

Some files are within sun/security/ssl but are not deleted by Step 0 and
are not deleted or modified by 8196584 either (because they don't exist
by the time 8196584 was applied, see 8038089):

 * classes/sun/security/ssl/KerberosClientKeyExchange.java
 * classes/sun/security/ssl/Krb5Helper.java
 * classes/sun/security/ssl/Krb5Proxy.java

In the case of KerberosClientKeyExchange.java, I've seen it's modified
by Step 7. A few questions:

 * Did you file-replaced KerberosClientKeyExchange.java
  * If this file is not in 11u, why do we need it in 8u?

 * Are Krb5Helper.java and Krb5Proxy.java used?
  * I assume they are for the same reason than my 1st question, but want
to check just in case.


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