[8u] TLSv1.3 RFR: 8245468: Add TLSv1.3 implementation classes from 11.0.7

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Fri May 22 19:41:14 UTC 2020

On 5/21/20 10:08 AM, Alexey Bakhtin wrote:
> Please review changes required to backport TLSv1.3 protocol from JDK11.0.7 to JDK8u


The initial review for 8245468 (Step 1) is here [1], previous to
splitting the discussion into multiple threads.

In webrev.v0 I could verify that:

 * DTLSInputRecord.java, DTLSOutputRecord.java and DTLSRecord.java
  * Were added as new files and are identical to 11.0.7
  * Will be removed in a later step, when removing DTLS
  * Ok

 * EphemeralKeyManager.java added as a new file (identical to 11.0.7)
  * Ok

 * JsseJce.java (identical to 11.0.7)
  * Added as a new file. Kerberos changes will be re-added in a later step.
  * Ok

 * HelloVerifyRequest.java (identical to 11.0.7)
  * Added as a new file
  * Ok

 * KeyManagerFactoryImpl.java (identical to 11.0.7)
  * Added as a new file
  * Ok

 * No other changes
  * Ok

8245468 (Step 1) webrev.v0 looks good to me. Please hold the push until
the whole series is review-approved and approved by a JDK-8 maintainer.


[1] - https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk8u-dev/2020-May/011742.html

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