[8u] RFR 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Tue Dec 14 03:20:45 UTC 2021

On 20:42 Mon 13 Dec     , Alexey Pavlyutkin wrote:
> Hi Severin!
> I have no idea. I did not do that advisedly. Probably I did them occasionally configuring jcheck tool. Anyway as I understand the changes are to be rebased to monorepo. Should I fix it before rebasing?

Please do.

There are some other issues with the patch:

* The placement of FileRolloverOutputStream seems to occur earlier in
  the 8u patch than in the 11u one. Can you confirm it ends up in the
  same or similar place in the file?

* Map.of creates unmodifiable Map instances. The replacement with emptyMap
is fine, but the others need to be made unmodifiable. See the examples
in jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/auto/KDC.java which was also converted
from Map.of usage.

Please don't flag issues for approval with jdk8u-fix-request until
they have been satisfactorily reviewed on the list.

> Thanks,
> Alex

Andrew :)
Pronouns: he / him or they / them
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
OpenJDK Package Owner
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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