[11u] Proposal: Switch jdk11u development to Git/Skara with 11.0.13 cycle

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com
Thu Feb 11 20:47:33 UTC 2021


> So while moving JDK 11u over seems doable (already a mono-repo; there
> is already a git mirror under the openjdk Github namespace[1]), getting
> JDK 8u done seems significanly different and more risky.
> With that in mind, should a potential move of 11u to git be (time)
> dependent on a move of jdk8u to git? I'm not sure...

I think so too.  I don't see strong arguments to tie the two 
together.  Especially I see no argument that holds for
tying  8 to 11 that does not hold as well to tie 11 to {17, 15, 13}.
As 13 and 15 already are on git, 11 should follow.  And 17u 
will be started in the time frame where we would transition 11u 
to git (probably in July).

Best regards,

> Thanks,
> Severin
> [0] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/296
> [1] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk11u
>     https://github.com/openjdk/jdk11u-dev

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