CFV: New OpenJDK 8 Updates Committer: Jonathan Dowland

Hohensee, Paul hohensee at
Tue Sep 14 13:23:55 UTC 2021

Vote: yes.

-----Original Message-----
From: jdk8u-dev <jdk8u-dev-retn at> on behalf of Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew at>
Date: Monday, September 13, 2021 at 7:17 PM
To: "jdk8u-dev at" <jdk8u-dev at>
Subject: CFV: New OpenJDK 8 Updates Committer: Jonathan Dowland

I hereby nominate Jonathan Dowland [0] for the role of an OpenJDK 8
Updates Committer.

Jonathan is doing active backporting work for 8u, including both clean
backports and those that require reviews and so register under his own
commit handle [1] [2].  Making him a committer would aid this
backporting work by avoiding the need for someone else to sponsor &
push his fixes.  He has already proven capable of following the
appropriate processes and providing good quality patches.

Clean backports:
        JDK-8249251: [dark_mode ubuntu 20.04] The selected menu is not highlighted in GTKLookAndFeel
        JDK-8161016: Strange behavior of URLConnection with proxy
        JDK-8152077: (cal) Calendar.roll does not always roll the hours during daylight savings changes
        JDK-8078614: WindowsClassicLookAndFeel : MetalComboBoxUI.getbaseLine fails with IllegalArgumentException
        JDK-8258043: [TEST BUG]: java/awt/print/PageFormat/ needs update by removing a infinite loop
        JDK-8168517: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed with "java.lang.AssertionError: Some tests failed"
        JDK-6574989: TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/ fails sometimes
        JDK-8226697: Several tests which need the @key headful keyword are missing it.
        JDK-8262731: [macOS] Exception from "Printable.print" is swallowed during "PrinterJob.print"
        JDK-8177393: Result of RescaleOp for 4BYTE_ABGR images may be 25% black
        JDK-8080287: closed bug, pre-requisite for JDK-8177393, wrote RFA

Unclean backports, requiring review:
        JDK-8244154: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files
        JDK-8252384: [TESTBUG] Some tests refer to COMPAT provider rather than JRE
        JDK-8038723: Open up some PrinterJob tests
        JDK-8227006: [linux] Runtime.availableProcessors execution time increased by factor of 100
        JDK-8183369: RFC unconformity of HttpURLConnection with proxy
        JDK-8187450: JNI local refs exceeds capacity warning in NetworkInterface::getAll

Votes are due by 19h00 UTC on Tuesday, 28th of September, 2021.

Only current OpenJDK 8 Updates Committers (and above) [2] are eligible
to vote on this nomination.

Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [3].


Andrew :)
Pronouns: he / him or they / them
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
OpenJDK Package Owner
Red Hat, Inc. (

PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04  C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222

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