OpenJDK 8u345 Released

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at
Tue Aug 2 01:38:01 UTC 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of OpenJDK 8u345.

The source tarball is available from:


The tarball is accompanied by a digital signature available at:


This is signed by our Red Hat OpenJDK key (openjdk at

PGP Key: rsa4096/0x92EF8D39DC13168F (hkp://
Fingerprint = CA5F 11C6 CE22 644D 42C6  AC44 92EF 8D39 DC13 168F

SHA256 checksums:

d3e8b554e519c53454a6c6ef1680b18d3f77ea90f3cd2c853598cb3970004ee2  openjdk8u345-b01.tar.xz
1656ceaf6811ef2693efb2152ff2c793f114e03504396977e80f809ce0405667  openjdk8u345-b01.tar.xz.sig

The checksums can be downloaded from:


New in release OpenJDK 8u345 (2022-08-01):
Live versions of these release notes can be found at:

* Other changes
  - JDK-8290832: It is no longer possible to change "user.dir" in the JDK8
  - JDK-8291568: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u345

Notes on individual issues:

JDK-8290832: It is no longer possible to change "user.dir" in the JDK8
A change, JDK-8194154, was introduced in the 8u342 release of OpenJDK,
causing the JDK to ignore attempts to set the `user.dir` property.
While this change is suitable for a major release (it was originally
introduced in the initial release of OpenJDK 11), changing the
behaviour of such a property in an update release creates
compatibility issues in software that relies on the behaviour in prior
versions of OpenJDK 8.  As a result, we have reverted this change in

Andrew :)
Pronouns: he / him or they / them
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
OpenJDK Package Owner
Red Hat, Inc. (

PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04  C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222
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