jdk8u322 release and packaging

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Fri Feb 4 15:29:50 UTC 2022


> Welcome to OpenJDK maintenance :-)

thanks ☻

> Recreating it just for building the source is considerably easier:
> $ git clone -b jdk8u322-ga https://github.com/openjdk/jdk8u.git openjdk
> $ mv openjdk/{corba,jaxp,jaxws,langtools,nashorn,jdk,hotspot} .
> $ for repos in openjdk corba jaxp jaxws langtools nashorn jdk hotspot ; do
>   tar cJf ${repos}.tar.xz ${repos}
>   done

OK, so the listed top-level directories under the monorepo *directly*
correspond to the old repositories, and the remainder of the monorepo
is the old “root” repository?

> That will give you the original eight individual repository
> tarballs. You can also replace the git clone step with just using the
> release tarball instead.

Yeah, it’ll be a bit more complicated considering aarch32 and
aarch64-shenandoah… but this helps already. I still have no idea
what I’d do if either of these changes anything outside of hotspot…

Just doing 8 here; 11/17 are actively maintained by doko, and
7 has ended (ELTS supplies 8 instead).

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