[jdk8u-dev] RFR: 8130895: Test javax/swing/system/6799345/TestShutdown.java fails on Solaris11 Sparcv9

Severin Gehwolf sgehwolf at openjdk.java.net
Mon Jun 13 08:32:58 UTC 2022

On Mon, 13 Jun 2022 07:07:02 GMT, ktakakuri <duke at openjdk.java.net> wrote:

>> @phohensee 
>> Is it ok if I integrate?
>> @ktakakuri You need to apply for approval of the bug. Add a `Fix Request` comment explaining why the fix is needed and what the risks are. Also add a `jdk8u-fix-request` label so that maintainers will see the request. Once you have `jdk8u-fix-yes` on the bug you can integrate.
> Thank you for your comment.
> I am concerned about the lack of reviewers.

@ktakakuri Unfortunately, the OpenJDK wiki is offline at the moment due to an ongoing migration. Our wiki page explains this. In a nutshell, clean backports don't need a separate review. So in your case only maintainer approval is needed. That's what the label process described above is for. Only modified patches need a review. I take it you've run tests on relevant platforms and have seen no regressions?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk8u-dev/pull/57

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