making sense of crashes in build logs

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Sat Apr 6 15:52:01 UTC 2024


how do I make sense of crashes in buildd logs, such as:

I saw…
#  Internal Error (os_linux_zero.cpp:254), pid=830846, tid=0x3f629440
… and thought, yay, we can look at where the segfault is,
but that address is the generic signal handler ☹

Is there a way to get a backtrace into these messages?

Building locally in a VM would take… over a week, I think,
and gdb is also currently not very usable on m68k, at least
it wasn’t when I was trying to debug a different crash in a
different software…

Help with m68k is welcome in general; the last version that
built was 8u171-b11, the first to fail was 8u181-b13 and all
others since. Some patch probably needs updating or something.

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