hg: jdk9/dev/jdk: 8153955: increase java.util.logging.FileHandler MAX_LOCKS limit

sean.coffey at oracle.com sean.coffey at oracle.com
Tue Jun 28 14:12:40 UTC 2016

Changeset: d473607154f0
Author:    rpatil
Date:      2016-06-27 11:52 +0530
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/rev/d473607154f0

8153955: increase java.util.logging.FileHandler MAX_LOCKS limit
Summary: This patch adds a new configurable property "java.util.logging.FileHandler.maxLocks" to java.util.logging.FileHandler which can be defined in the logging configuration file and makes it possible to configure the maximum number of concurrent log file locks a FileHandler can handle. If not overridden, the default value of maxLocks (100) remains unchanged.
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, coffeys

! src/java.logging/share/classes/java/util/logging/FileHandler.java
! src/java.logging/share/conf/logging.properties
+ test/java/util/logging/FileHandlerMaxLocksTest.java

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