hg: jdk9/dev/jdk: 8132926: PKIXParameters built with public key form of TrustAnchor causes NPE during cert path building/validation

jamil.j.nimeh at oracle.com jamil.j.nimeh at oracle.com
Wed Sep 14 14:37:38 UTC 2016

Changeset: 6f220f1f53db
Author:    jnimeh
Date:      2016-09-14 07:37 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/rev/6f220f1f53db

8132926: PKIXParameters built with public key form of TrustAnchor causes NPE during cert path building/validation
Summary: Fix cases where non-certificate issuer information may be passed into the OCSPResponse.verify method, thereby causing NPEs to be thrown.
Reviewed-by: xuelei

! src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/provider/certpath/OCSP.java
! src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/provider/certpath/OCSPResponse.java
! src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/provider/certpath/RevocationChecker.java
+ test/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/trustAnchor/ValWithAnchorByName.java

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