hg: jdk9/dev/hotspot: 8178033: C1 crashes with -XX:UseAVX = 3: "not a mov [reg+offs], reg instruction"

tobias.hartmann at oracle.com tobias.hartmann at oracle.com
Thu Apr 6 07:07:20 UTC 2017

Changeset: 28e7bb59323e
Author:    thartmann
Date:      2017-04-06 08:19 +0200
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/hotspot/rev/28e7bb59323e

8178033: C1 crashes with -XX:UseAVX = 3: "not a mov [reg+offs], reg instruction"
Summary: Skip the EVEX prefix such that the instruction address points to the prefixed opcode.
Reviewed-by: kvn, mcberg

! src/cpu/x86/vm/assembler_x86.cpp
! src/cpu/x86/vm/nativeInst_x86.cpp
! src/cpu/x86/vm/nativeInst_x86.hpp

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