Next up: rawtype and unchecked lint warning cleanup

Joseph Darcy joe.darcy at
Fri Apr 4 23:33:49 UTC 2014


With the serial javac lint warnings in the jdk repo resolved [1], the 
largest remaining category of lint warnings are for rawtypes and 
unchecked conversions. Both of these kind of warnings are related to 
incomplete generification and so they need to be addressed together.

At the end of JDK 8, the jdk repo has approximately 4150 raw and 
unchecked warnings; in contrast, the JDK 9 dev jdk repo only has about 
2800 raw and unchecked warnings.

Clearing those remaining 2800 warnings will be tracked using subtasks of

     JDK-8039096 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in jdk libraries




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