Official and community supported build platforms for JDK 8 and 9

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Mon Dec 1 15:23:33 UTC 2014

Likewise - is it possible to get edit access?


On 21 November 2014 at 20:46, Patrick Reinhart <patrick at> wrote:

> Hi Magnus,
> > A recurring theme in the build-dev list is confusion on which platforms
> it is possible to build OpenJDK. Unfortunately, information about this has
> not been easy to gather. It has also not been clear what kind of build
> issues the Build Team will respond to and with what kind of urgency.
> >
> > To help address this, I’ve created a publicly available wiki page:
> Nice work, that belongs on my shortcut list from now on.
> > Support for building on different platforms come in two varieties:
> official support and community support.
> >
> > Oracle defines a number of official build platforms, with carefully
> specified versions of operating systems, compilers and other build tools.
> If you report a failure to build on any of these platforms, the report will
> be processed with high priority from the build team in Oracle. Under normal
> circumstances, a build on any of these platforms will always succeed.
> >
> > In addition to the official build platforms, OpenJDK can normally be
> built on many more platforms. For these platforms, there is no guarantee
> that the build will succeed. The Oracle build team can help to solve some
> problems encountered, but only on a best-effort basis. In addition to the
> Oracle build team, the OpenJDK community at large is welcome to help with
> making OpenJDK compile on these platforms.
> >
> > The official and community supported build platforms are listed on the
> wiki page. Note that build support is different for different versions of
> the JDK. We welcome updates from the community to the list of community
> supported platforms. If you have succeeded (or not!) in building OpenJDK on
> a platform that is substantially different from the ones already listed,
> please document your experience in the list.
> I’m able to fluently build JDK 8u and JDK 9 on Fedora 21 x64
> > The list of community supported platforms on the wiki is currently much
> shorter than the number of platforms I expect OpenJDK to build on. Once
> again, please help us by filling in the wiki!
> >
> > /Magnus
> I would like to help improve also documentations for the community…
> Patrick

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