RFR [JEP 220] Modular Run-Time Images - compact profiles footprint

Xerxes Rånby xerxes at zafena.se
Thu Dec 4 13:03:31 UTC 2014

Den 2014-12-04 13:58, Xerxes Rånby skrev:
> The footprint of the compact profiles have been inflated by ~12Mb each 
> after the JEP 220 changes.
> before
> # du -s -h j2re-compact1-image
> 17.9M    j2re-compact1-image
> # du -s -h j2re-compact2-image
> 28.7M    j2re-compact2-image
> # du -s -h j2re-compact3-image
> 35.5M    j2re-compact3-image
> after
> # du -s -h jre-compact1
> 31.3M    jre-compact1
> # du -s -h jre-compact2
> 41.5M    jre-compact2
> # du -s -h jre-compact3
> 47.4M    jre-compact3
> The attached file compact1.diff.tar.gz contains the list diff of the 
> files bundled in the
> j2re-compact1-image/lib/rt.jar compared to jre-compact1/lib/*.jimage

compact1.diff.tar.gz is attached in this mail.

> most of the class diff is located in
> com/sun/security/ntlm
> com/sun/crypto
> javax/crypto
> sun/net/www/protocol/http/ntlm
> sun/net/www/protocol/ftp
> sun/net/www/protocol/mailto
> sun/net/ftp
> sun/net/smtp
> sun/net/dns
> sun/util/resources <- a lot of extra internationalized classes
> sun/security/ssl
> sun/security/ec
> sun/security/pkcs11
> sun/text/resources <- a lot of extra internationalized classes
> Cheers
> Xerxes

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