CFV: New JDK 9 Reviewer: Ivan Gerasimov

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at
Mon Dec 8 09:41:03 UTC 2014

Vote: yes


On 05/12/2014 18:35, Seán Coffey wrote:
> I hearby nominate Ivan Gerasimov (igerasim) to JDK 9 Reviewer.
> Ivan is a member of the Java SE Sustaining team and works mainly on 
> issues connected to the JDK core libraries. Over the past year, he's 
> demonstrated a strong understanding of how the core libraries code 
> works and has contributed significant bug fixes and enhancements in 
> JDK 9 [3].
> Votes are due by 19:00 GMT December 19th 2014.
> Only current JDK 9 Reviewers [1] are eligible to vote on this 
> nomination.  Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this 
> mailing list.
> For Three-Vote Consensus voting instructions, see [2].
> Regards,
> Sean.

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