[9] RFR(S): 8066433: Copy Whitebox testlibrary to top level repository

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Dec 9 10:08:11 UTC 2014

On 08/12/2014 09:06, Tobias Hartmann wrote:
> CC'ing to jdk9-dev for wider audience.
> Summary:
> The tests for the 'Segmented Code Cache' JEP [1] and other JDK tests [2] need
> access to the Whitebox API testlibrary that is part of the hotspot repository.
> We therefore propose to move the Whitebox API from the hotspot repository to the
> top level repository (test/testlibrary/) in the following steps:
> 1) Copy testlibrary to top level repository
> 2) Adapt existing hotspot tests (> 200 tests)
> 3) Remove testlibrary from hotspot repository
> First step: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~thartmann/8066433/webrev.01/
> Thanks,
> Tobias
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8066625
> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8064875
Maybe this has been discussed previously but how do test libraries in 
the top-level repo work for test roots that are in the hotspot and jdk 
repos? Is there jtreg support for this or are you proposing @library 
../../../../../ ? I realize this might be a question for future steps 
but still useful to know where this is going.


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