jdk9-b42: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Dec 10 20:19:20 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8065998   client-libs     Avoid use of _ as a one-character identifier
JDK-8023723   client-libs     Can not paste and copy the text from the text area into the editor
JDK-8063102   client-libs     Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
JDK-8063106   client-libs     Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
JDK-8059739   client-libs     Dragged and Dropped data is corrupted for two data types
JDK-7169583   client-libs     JInternalFrame title not antialiased in Nimbus LaF
JDK-8004148   client-libs     NPE in sun.awt.SunToolkit.getWindowDeactivationTime
JDK-8052162   client-libs     REGRESSION: sun/java2d/cmm/ColorConvertOp tests fail since 7u71 b01
JDK-7195187   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] [macosx] javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7088744/bug7088744.java failed
JDK-8062163   client-libs     java/awt/geom/AffineTransform/TestInvertMethods.java test fails
JDK-8064468   client-libs     ownedWindowList access requires synchronization in Window.setAlwaysOnTop() method
JDK-8058322   core-libs        Zero name_index item of MethodParameters attribute cause MalformedParameterException.
JDK-8065720   core-libs       (ch) AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end sets interrupted to null
JDK-8053963   core-libs       (dc) Use DatagramChannel.receive() instead of read() in connect() 
JDK-8065070   core-libs       (fmt) Avoid creating substrings when building FormatSpecifier
JDK-8058887   core-libs       (fmt) Improve java/util/Formatter test coverage of group separators and width
JDK-8062955   core-libs       (fs spec) Files.setLastModifiedTime should specify SecurityException more clearly
JDK-8062949   core-libs       (fs) Files.setLastModifiedTime(path, null) does not throw NPE
JDK-8066196   core-libs       (fs) Typo in Path::normalize, empty path only returned if path does not have a root component
JDK-8064560   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2014j
JDK-6321472   core-libs       Add CRC32C class, similar to java.util.zip.CRC32
JDK-8062556   core-libs       Add jdk tests for JDK-8058322 and JDK-8058313
JDK-8065159   core-libs       AttributedString has quadratic resize algorithm
JDK-8066188   core-libs       BaseRowSet returns the wrong default value for escape processing
JDK-8062773   core-libs       Clarifications for Class specification
JDK-8063147   core-libs       Class.getFields spec should state that fields are inherited from superinterfaces
JDK-8063135   core-libs       Enable full LF sharing by default
JDK-8051778   core-libs       Function.prototype.bind doesn't work on all callables
JDK-8066222   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: Assertion error in NativeArray.sort
JDK-8066238   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: AssertionError in ParserContext.pop
JDK-8066232   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: AssertionError when defining local variable in Block
JDK-8066214   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: Object.prototype.toLocaleString(0)
JDK-8059880   core-libs       Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation
JDK-8060132   core-libs       Handlers configured on abstract nodes in logging.properties are not always properly closed
JDK-8065985   core-libs       Inlining failure of Number.doubleValue() in JSType.toNumeric() causes 15% peak perf regresion on Box2D 
JDK-8066191   core-libs       Introduce time limited test executor
JDK-8057020   core-libs       LambdaForm caches should support eviction
JDK-8064846   core-libs       Lazy-init thread safety problems in core reflection
JDK-8058313   core-libs       Mismatch of method descriptor and MethodParameters.parameters_count should cause MalformedParameterException
JDK-8050983   core-libs       Misplaced parentheses in sun.net.www.http.HttpClient break HTTP PUT streaming
JDK-8066119   core-libs       Missing resource type.error.not.an.arraybuffer
JDK-8062638   core-libs       Nashorn: RuntimeException when run command from js with -scripting on Cygwin
JDK-8057691   core-libs       Nashorn: let & const declarations are not shared between scripts
JDK-8065769   core-libs       OOM on Window/Solaris in test compile-octane-splitter.js
JDK-8065372   core-libs       Object.wait(ms, ns) timeout returns early
JDK-8060068   core-libs       Possible Deadlock scenario with DriverManager.loadInitialDrivers
JDK-8066397   core-libs       Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom
JDK-8066617   core-libs       Suppress deprecation warnings in java.base module
JDK-8066632   core-libs       Suppress deprecation warnings in java.rmi module
JDK-8056313   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/NameConstructors.java fails intermittently
JDK-8035000   core-libs       TEST_BUG: remove ActivationLibrary.DestroyThread and have callers call rmid.destroy() instead
JDK-8049407   core-libs       Test NASHORN-377.js fails on Solaris sparc
JDK-8059677   core-libs       Thread.getName() instantiates Strings
JDK-8066261   core-libs       Typo in isValid(int timeout) API in java.sql.Connection
JDK-8066131   core-libs       Update java/nio/charset/Charset/NIOCharsetAvailabilityTest.java to eliminate dependency on sun.misc.Launcher
JDK-8060026   core-libs       Update jdk/test/tools/launcher tests to eliminate dependency on sun.tools.jar.Main
JDK-8062536   core-libs       [TESTBUG] Conflicting GC combinations in jdk tests
JDK-8039953   core-libs       [TESTBUG] Timeout java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/CatchExceptionTest.java
JDK-8059070   core-libs       [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java failed - timeout
JDK-8065377   core-libs       [TEST_BUG] test/closed/java/util/Calendar tests failures with 2014j tzdata  
JDK-8066130   core-libs       com.sun.net.httpserver stop() throws NullPointerException if it is not started
JDK-8065096   core-libs       java.net.Authenticator.theAuthenticator should be properly synchronized
JDK-8015692   core-libs       java.net.BindException is thrown on Windows XP when HTTP server is started and stopped in the loop.
JDK-8062194   core-libs       java.util.jar.Attributes should use insertion-ordered iteration
JDK-8064932   core-libs       java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java: waitFor didn't take long enough 
JDK-8066146   core-libs       jdk.nashorn.api.scripting package javadoc should be included in jdk docs
JDK-8057980   core-libs       let & const: remaining issues with lexical scoping
JDK-8066683   core-libs       nashorn test failures after modular image changes
JDK-8065552   core-libs       setAccessible(true) on fields of Class may throw a SecurityException
JDK-8065072   core-libs       sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/StreamingRetry.java failed intermittently
JDK-8065222   core-libs       sun/net/www/protocol/http/B6369510.java doesn't execute as expected
JDK-8066696   core-libs       test/script/nosecurity/JDK-8055034.js -Xbootclasspath option is wrong
JDK-8064914   core-libs       tzdb.dat compilation failure when using tzdata2014j
JDK-8048050   core-svc        Agent NullPointerException when rmi.port in use
JDK-8061200   core-svc        CMM: Commercial feature changes (docs)
JDK-6988950   core-svc        JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)
JDK-6542634   core-svc        TEST BUG: MISC_REGRESSION tests need to have minimum timeouts examined
JDK-8065764   core-svc        javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java hangs
JDK-8066588   core-svc        javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/RMIConnector_NPETest.java fails to compile
JDK-8064288   core-svc        sun.management.Flag should loadLibrary()
JDK-8055851   deploy          "Embedding JavaFX 2 in Swing" sample does not run with 8u25
JDK-8062295   deploy          Background update doesn't work properly
JDK-8062183   deploy          Change the order of linux proxy detection
JDK-8034952   deploy          Extra warning in IE running applet with javascript writeln call
JDK-8054034   deploy          JCP Proxy configuration using script doesn't work since 8u25 b08 on Mac/Linux
JDK-8049443   deploy          Java process won't start and protection fault throws on WinXP
JDK-8064737   deploy          Javaws relaunch fails.
JDK-8062392   deploy          Jnlp fails to load with CouldNotLoadArgumentException
JDK-8061349   deploy          No crossdomain checking for connection to localhost from host with the same IP but another alias
JDK-8051891   deploy          SWT cannot load native look&feel
JDK-8051358   deploy          Step 6:There are java.io.FileNotFoundException and ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException thrown in java console after clicking "Continue" Button,and there is no security dialog with "Run" Button .
JDK-8011182   deploy          Unable to enable the last jre remaining on the system 
JDK-8039112   deploy          Unexpected exception in accessibility class for all-perms vs sandbox javaws app testcase
JDK-8062375   deploy          Warning message doesn't contain additional info: "Launched from downloaded JNLP file" when launched from shortcut or cache viewer
JDK-8054904   deploy          Webstart cache path error for Java >= 7u65 
JDK-8046482   deploy          [Regression] SSLHandshake fail if there's a locally trusted cert whose common name is the same as the one from https server side.
JDK-8055680   deploy          [linux] LSP 1.1 ''force" rule causes UnsatisfiedLinkError when 2 JRE families are installed 
JDK-8049587   deploy          [nightly] 7u71/8u25 Windows x64 - running any  applet causes JRE relaunch
JDK-8064772   deploy          [test] Need to remove the AMC propeties from deploy.args file
JDK-8059967   deploy          [test] testIsExcluded fails
JDK-8064442   deploy          [test] update 2 cases in FXExpiredJREScenarios to add ESL instruction
JDK-8064445   deploy          [test] window number needs to be updated in focusScenarios/DocumentModalTest 
JDK-8023699   deploy          adjust windows browser applet / webstart application java process integrity level
JDK-8059969   deploy          testParse_trivialInvalidArg - Expect to skip invalid arg
JDK-8062774   deploy          testTrustedArguments - jnlp.* properties should NOT cause mismatch (webstart mode)
JDK-8064315   deploy          use javaagent instead of accessibility to automate tests
JDK-8060734   embedded        compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli/TestUseSHA{,1,256,512}IntrinsicsOptionOnUnsupportedCPU.java tests failed on ARM platforms
JDK-8055798   globalization   Japanese translation for a warning from javac looks incorrect.
JDK-8062307   hotspot         'Reference handler' thread triggers assert w/ TraceThreadEvents
JDK-8064749   hotspot         -XX:-UseCompilerSafepoints breaks safepoint rendezvous
JDK-8064348   hotspot         Add TraceEvent::is_enabled() for embedded/minimal builds
JDK-8064779   hotspot         Add additional comments for "8062370: Various minor code improvements"
JDK-8061594   hotspot         Add parameter to DestroyResourceContext for re-assign context
JDK-8060592   hotspot         AppCDS should be disabled if bootclasspath is modified by JVMTI
JDK-8062836   hotspot         BACKOUT - Parallelize clearing the next mark bitmap
JDK-8061467   hotspot         Bad page size passed to setup_large_pages() on Solaris
JDK-8062950   hotspot         Bug in locking code when UseOptoBiasInlining is disabled: assert(dmw->is_neutral()) failed: invariant
JDK-8065618   hotspot         C2 RA incorrectly removes kill projections
JDK-8054478   hotspot         C2: Incorrectly compiled char[] array access crashes JVM
JDK-8043767   hotspot         CMM Testing: 8u40 reaction on various memory pressure should be checked.
JDK-8062601   hotspot         CMM: CMM should require -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures
JDK-8060467   hotspot         CMS: small OldPLABSize and -XX:-ResizePLAB cause assert(ResizePLAB || n_blks == OldPLABSize) failed: Error
JDK-8064375   hotspot         Change certain errors to warnings in CDS output
JDK-8062036   hotspot         ConcurrentMarkThread::slt may be invoked before ConcurrentMarkThread::makeSurrogateLockerThread causing intermittent crashes
JDK-8065150   hotspot         Cooperative Memory Management (CMM) should not be available in a non-commercial build.
JDK-8065339   hotspot         Failed compilation does not always trigger a JFR event 'CompilerFailure'
JDK-8064786   hotspot         Fix debug build after 8062808: Turn on the -Wreturn-type warning
JDK-8065361   hotspot         Fixup headers and definitions for INCLUDE_TRACE 
JDK-8061449   hotspot         G1: FreeRegionList_test() fails with G1 after the JDK-8058534 fix to HeapRegion::orig_end()
JDK-8062957   hotspot         Heap is not shrunk when deallocating under memory pressure
JDK-8055271   hotspot         Implement DumpJFR for Mac OS X
JDK-8064473   hotspot         Improved handling of age during object copy in G1
JDK-8065220   hotspot         Include alternate sa.make file for MacOSX
JDK-8061964   hotspot         Insufficient compiler barriers for GCC in OrderAccess functions
JDK-8059624   hotspot         JEP-JDK-8043304: Test task: WhiteBox API for testing segmented codecache feature
JDK-8059550   hotspot         JEP-JDK-8043304: Test task: segment overflow w/ empty others
JDK-8049714   hotspot         JFR: -XX:StartFlightRecording doesn't accept empty argument
JDK-8062011   hotspot         JT_HS/compiler/7068051 uses jre/lib/javaws.jar
JDK-8015272   hotspot         Make @Contended within the same group to use the same oop map
JDK-8058148   hotspot         MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff should be increased
JDK-8064911   hotspot         Missing includes required for INCLUDE_TRACE
JDK-8064581   hotspot         Move INCLUDE_ALL_GCS include section to the end of the include list
JDK-8064580   hotspot         Move INCLUDE_CDS include section to the end of the include list
JDK-8058255   hotspot         Native jbyte Atomic::cmpxchg for supported x86 platforms
JDK-8060449   hotspot         Obsolete command line flags accept arbitrary appendix
JDK-6351437   hotspot         PIT : compiler/6329104/Test6329104.sh fails due to execution time variation
JDK-8049341   hotspot         Parallelize clearing the next mark bitmap
JDK-8064471   hotspot         Port 8013895: G1: G1SummarizeRSetStats output on Linux needs improvement to AIX
JDK-8059770   hotspot         Push JFR bootstrap state to Java instead of pulling from VM
JDK-8061952   hotspot         Quarantine closed/compiler/6457611/log.sh
JDK-8058209   hotspot         Race in G1 card scanning could allow scanning of memory covered by PLABs
JDK-8061956   hotspot         Remove hotspot/test/closed/serviceability/commercialfeatures tests from quarantine
JDK-8061308   hotspot         Remove iCMS
JDK-8064702   hotspot         Remove the CMS foreground collector
JDK-8064865   hotspot         Remove the debug funciontality RotateCMSCollectionTypes for CMS
JDK-8062206   hotspot         Remove unusable G1RSLogCheckCardTable command line argument
JDK-8054491   hotspot         Remove wrong assert and refactor code in G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_end
JDK-8061234   hotspot         ResourceContext.requestAccurateUpdate() is unreliable
JDK-8060147   hotspot         SIGSEGV in Metadata::mark_on_stack() while marking metadata in ciEnv 
JDK-8064701   hotspot         Some CDS optimizations should be disabled if bootclasspath is modified by JVMTI
JDK-8059661   hotspot         Test SoftReference and OOM behavior
JDK-8060721   hotspot         Test runtime/SharedArchiveFile/LimitSharedSizes.java fails in jdk 9 fcs new platforms/compiler
JDK-8064716   hotspot         TestHumongousShrinkHeap.java can not be run with -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
JDK-8058958   hotspot         TestInternedStrings.java fails with "The actual heap usage for context 2 : 792"
JDK-8064695   hotspot         Tests expect preload errors, but product gives preload warnings
JDK-8064721   hotspot         The card tables only ever need two covering regions
JDK-8062808   hotspot         Turn on the -Wreturn-type warning
JDK-8064719   hotspot         Unconfigured event settings in JFR are displayed with units
JDK-8062382   hotspot         Update JFR dynamic load jdk code from security assessment
JDK-8064811   hotspot         Use THREAD instead of CHECK_NULL in return statements
JDK-8054008   hotspot         Using -XX:-LazyBootClassLoader crashes with ACCESS_VIOLATION on Win 64bit
JDK-8065346   hotspot         WB_AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch calls JvmtiEnv::create_a_jvmti when not in _thread_in_vm state
JDK-8059492   hotspot         Wrong spelling in assert: "Not initialied properly?"
JDK-8064815   hotspot         Zero+PPC64: Stack overflow when running Maven
JDK-8062247   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Allow WhiteBox test to access JVM offsets
JDK-8062537   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Conflicting GC combinations in hotspot tests
JDK-8056070   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Improve gc/TestMemoryPressureReactionDecommit.java 
JDK-8056073   hotspot         [TESTBUG] closed/compiler/jsr292/LongLambdaFormDynamicStackDepth.java fails with StackOverFlow
JDK-8057664   hotspot         [TESTBUG] closed/gc/TestMemoryPressureReactionDecommit.java fails with OOM on Linux 32
JDK-8056178   hotspot         [TESTBUG] closed/runtime/AppCDS/ArchiveSize.java fails with java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
JDK-8061431   hotspot         [TESTBUG] closed/runtime/AppCDS/SharedArchiveConsistency.java fails on all platforms
JDK-8064799   hotspot         [TESTBUG] jtreg Serviceability tests to be run as part of JPRT submit job
JDK-8063157   hotspot         add targets for optimized builds
JDK-8034005   hotspot         cannot debug in synchronizer.o or objectMonitor.o on Solaris X86 debug/jvmg bits
JDK-8062851   hotspot         cleanup ObjectMonitor offset adjustments
JDK-8061256   hotspot         com/sun/management/DiagnosticCommandMBean/DcmdMBeanPermissionsTest.java timed out
JDK-8062742   hotspot         compiler/EliminateAutoBox/UnsignedLoads.java fails with client vm
JDK-8062258   hotspot         compiler/debug/TraceIterativeGVN.java segfaults in trace_PhaseIterGVN
JDK-8064696   hotspot         compiler/startup/SmallCodeCacheStartup.java doesn't check exit code
JDK-8056071   hotspot         compiler/whitebox/IsMethodCompilableTest.java fails with 'method() is not compilable after 3 iterations'
JDK-8043243   hotspot         convert SCAN_AND_FORWARD, SCAN_AND_ADJUST_POINTERS, SCAN_AND_COMPACT macros to methods
JDK-8050079   hotspot         crash while compiling java.lang.ref.Finalizer::runFinalizer
JDK-8007993   hotspot         hotspot.log w/ enabled LogCompilation can be an invalid XML
JDK-8059732   hotspot         improve hotspot_*test targets
JDK-8064571   hotspot         java/lang/instrument/IsModifiableClassAgent.java: assert(length > 0) failed: should only be called if table is present
JDK-8062037   hotspot         java/lang/instrument/RetransformBigClass.sh should be quarantined
JDK-8057622   hotspot         java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/stream/InfiniteStreamWithLimitOpTest: SEGV inside compiled code (sparc)
JDK-8062854   hotspot         move compiler jtreg test to corresponding subfolders and use those in TEST.groups
JDK-8042235   hotspot         redefining method used by multiple MethodHandles crashes VM
JDK-8059131   hotspot         sawindbg.dll is not compiled with /SAFESEH
JDK-8062870   hotspot         src/share/vm/services/mallocTracker.hpp:64 assert(_count > 0) failed: Negative counter
JDK-8064802   hotspot         very low performance of oracle.jrockit.jfr.parser.Parser
JDK-8043491   hotspot         warning LNK4197: export '... ...' specified multiple times; using first specification
JDK-8033602   hotspot         wrong stabs data in libjvm.debuginfo on JDK 8 - SPARC
JDK-8065617   infrastructure  9-dev failed on Bundle_Source on 2014-11-21
JDK-8065183   infrastructure  Add --with-copyright-year option to configure
JDK-8062666   infrastructure  Blacklist Cooperative Memory Management ("CMM") closed code
JDK-8065368   infrastructure  Configure --with-java-devtools should no longer set --with-freetype or --with-cups
JDK-8065911   infrastructure  Introduce EvalDebugWrapper for all Setup* macros
JDK-8065215   infrastructure  Print warning summary at end of configure
JDK-8064497   infrastructure  Remove nroff man pages from JDK / JRE binaries and repositories
JDK-8065648   infrastructure  Remove the flag -fsanitize=undefined for GCC 4.9 and later
JDK-8058631   infrastructure  Rename posix to unix in build system to match file name changes
JDK-8065914   infrastructure  Various improvements and cleanup of build system
JDK-8065913   infrastructure  Various improvements in SetupNativeCompilation
JDK-8065412   infrastructure  generated source to compile .properties file incorreectly includes the module name in the package name
JDK-8062921   install         Any windows greater than Window 8 is reported as win8
JDK-8064506   install         JRT is crashing when checking list of removed/remaining JREs
JDK-8044582   install         Need to update the code for the new ping format
JDK-8060057   install         No checkbox "Enable JAB" after installation of public JRE 8 (only x86 JRE)
JDK-8064591   install         OEMUPDATE task expires Jan 01 2015
JDK-8062325   install         Static 64-bit AU to NEXTVER crashes AU
JDK-8062318   install         Title text missing on the 'Install Complete' dialog when installing any new sponsor
JDK-8059542   install         java.exe and javaw.exe exist in System32 after specific chain of install/uninstall
JDK-8063125   install         log reports jucheck does not verify integrity of iftw-au
JDK-8066500   other-libs      CMM / ResMan JavaDoc: links to core SE APIs are broken
JDK-8060004   other-libs      Remove support for ContextRetainedThresholds
JDK-8050916   security-libs   Add 3 new GoDaddy root certificates
JDK-8042480   security-libs   CipherInputStream.close() throws AEADBadTagException in some cases
JDK-8043200   security-libs   Decrease the preference mode of RC4 in the enabled cipher suite list
JDK-8046949   security-libs   Generify the javax.xml.crypto API
JDK-8048619   security-libs   Implement tests for converting PKCS12 keystores
JDK-8061253   security-libs   Spec cleanup for some security-related classes
JDK-8044440   security-libs   [TEST] closed/java/security/Signature/Overflow.java fails due to Solaris PKCS11 bug
JDK-8034031   security-libs   [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/apple/security/KeystoreImpl.m
JDK-8062747   tools           Compiler error when anonymous class uses method with parametrized exception 
JDK-8065986   tools           Compiler fails to NullPointerException when calling super with Object<>()
JDK-7101822   tools           Compiling depends on order of imports
JDK-8032211   tools           Don't issue deprecation warnings on import statements
JDK-8063052   tools           Inference chokes on wildcard derived from method reference
JDK-8058112   tools           Invalid BootstrapMethod for constructor/method reference
JDK-8064803   tools           Javac erroneously uses instantiated signatures when merging abstract most-specific methods
JDK-8058445   tools           Javac throws exception when displaying info
JDK-8059921   tools           Missing compile error in Java 8 mode for Interface.super.field access
JDK-8065132   tools           Parameter annotations not updated when synthetic parameters are prepended
JDK-7196163   tools           Project Coin: Allow final or effectively final variables to be used as resources in try-with-resources
JDK-8065054   tools           Some tests have junk before the legal header
JDK-7177813   tools           Static import to local nested class fails
JDK-8062359   tools           javac Attr crashes with NPE in TypeAnnotationsValidator visitNewClass
JDK-8066731   tools           javac does not work on exploded image
JDK-6598104   tools           javac should not warn about imports of deprecated classes
JDK-8061876   tools           replace java.io.File with java.nio.file.Path (again)
JDK-8065748   xml             Add a test to verify that non ascii characters in Encodings.properties do not cause issues
JDK-8065138   xml             Encodings.isRecognizedEnconding sometimes fails to recognize 'UTF8'
JDK-8065870   xml             Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version (2.2.11-b141124.1933)
JDK-8043084   xml             XML JAXP unittest co-location

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