jdk9-b43: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Dec 17 22:08:57 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8064407   core-libs       (fc) FileChannel transferTo should use TransmitFile on Windows
JDK-8066915   core-libs       (fs) Files.newByteChannel opens directories for cases where subsequent reads may fail
JDK-8046219   core-libs       (str spec) String(byte[], int, int, Charset) should be clearer when IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown
JDK-8066643   core-libs       (zipfs) Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.zipfs module
JDK-8067136   core-libs       BrowserJSObjectLinker does not handle call on JSObjects
JDK-8066221   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: Assertion error related to bytecode slots
JDK-8066227   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: CodeGenerator load unitialized slot
JDK-8066236   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: StackMapTable error: bad offset, ClassFormatError
JDK-8066230   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: Undefined object type assertion when computing TypeBounds
JDK-8066224   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: constant folding of ternary operator and IfNode with constant test
JDK-8066225   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: duplicate integer switch cases
JDK-8065991   core-libs       LogManager unecessarily calls JavaAWTAccess from within a critical section
JDK-8066746   core-libs       MHs.explicitCastArguments does incorrect type checks for VarargsCollector
JDK-8067219   core-libs       NPE in ScriptObject.clone() when running with object fields
JDK-8066753   core-libs       OptimisticTypePersistence.java should work properly with "jrt" URL
JDK-8066777   core-libs       OptimisticTypesPersistence.java should use Files.readAllBytes instead of getting size and then read
JDK-8055723   core-libs       Replace concat String to append in StringBuilder parameters
JDK-8066641   core-libs       Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.naming module
JDK-8066835   core-libs       TEST_BUG: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/RMIConnector_NPETest.java fails
JDK-8035001   core-libs       TEST_BUG: the retry logic in RMID.start() should check that the subprocess hasn't terminated
JDK-8066748   core-libs       Update lambda/SAND to work with modular image
JDK-8066798   core-libs       [TEST] Make java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests use lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/TimeLimitedRunner.java to define their number of iterations
JDK-8066932   core-libs       __noSuchMethod__ binds to this-object without proper guard
JDK-8066669   core-libs       dust.js performance regression caused by primitive field conversion
JDK-8066678   core-libs       java.nio.channels.Channels cleanup
JDK-8065238   core-libs       javax.naming.NamingException after upgrade to JDK 8
JDK-8066749   core-libs       jdk9-dev/nashorn ant build fails with jdk9 modular image build as JAVA_HOME
JDK-8066745   core-libs       tools/pack200/Pack200Props.java failed with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
JDK-8067030   core-svc        JDWP crash in transport_startTransport on OOM
JDK-8066634   core-svc        Suppress deprecation warnings in java.management module
JDK-8066636   core-svc        Suppress deprecation warnings in the jdk.jvmstat and jdk.jdi modules
JDK-8066105   core-svc        closed/sun/management/snmp/jvmMemory/JvmMemGCTest.sh should be quarantined
JDK-8035663   embedded        Suspicious failure of test java/util/concurrent/Phaser/FickleRegister.java
JDK-7176220   hotspot         'Full GC' events miss date stamp information occasionally
JDK-8053995   hotspot         Add method to WhiteBox to get vm pagesize.
JDK-8065754   hotspot         Add test to verify that JFR dynamic start is locked in non-commercial builds
JDK-8037968   hotspot         Add tests on alignment of objects copied to survivor space
JDK-8064953   hotspot         Asserts.assert* should print values
JDK-8066137   hotspot         Backslash missing in TEST.groups
JDK-8066199   hotspot         C2 escape analysis prevents VM from exiting quickly
JDK-8066019   hotspot         CMM: Defaults to high memory restriction in 8u40-b16
JDK-8058160   hotspot         CMM: Improve G1's reaction to memory pressure
JDK-8058935   hotspot         CPU detection gives 0 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core in Amazon EC2 environment
JDK-8065992   hotspot         Change CMSCollector::_young_gen to be a ParNewGeneration*
JDK-8065783   hotspot         DCMD parser fails to recognize one character argument when it's positioned last
JDK-8065872   hotspot         Exclude new resource management tests forward ported from 8u40
JDK-8066662   hotspot         Fix include after 8065993: Merge OneContigSpaceCardGeneration with TenuredGeneration
JDK-8065915   hotspot         Fix includes after 8058148: MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff
JDK-8066133   hotspot         Fix missing reivew changes for JDK-8065972
JDK-8067015   hotspot         Implement os::pd_map_memory() on AIX
JDK-8065889   hotspot         JFR: -XX:StartFlightRecording doesn't accept empty argument - take 2
JDK-8064694   hotspot         Kitchensink: WaitForMultipleObjects failed in hotspot\src\os\windows\vm\os_windows.cpp: 3844
JDK-8065305   hotspot         Make it possible to extend the G1CollectorPolicy
JDK-8065993   hotspot         Merge OneContigSpaceCardGeneration with TenuredGeneration
JDK-8065218   hotspot         Move CMS-specific fields from Space to CompactibleFreeListSpace
JDK-8065664   hotspot         Need defensive checks in PDH if perf counters are disabled or not visible
JDK-8066290   hotspot         Port JDK-8066191 into hotspot
JDK-8062943   hotspot         REDO - Parallelize clearing the next mark bitmap
JDK-8065358   hotspot         Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
JDK-8065972   hotspot         Remove support for ParNew+SerialOld and DefNew+CMS
JDK-8065227   hotspot         Report allocation context stats at end of cleanup
JDK-8066448   hotspot         SmallCodeCacheStartup.java exits with exit code 1
JDK-8039995   hotspot         Test serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/Test8028623.java fails on some Linux/Mac machines.
JDK-8062161   hotspot         Threads might be deleted before used in jmm_ext code
JDK-8065579   hotspot         WB method to start G1 concurrent mark cycle should be introduced
JDK-8062584   hotspot         [TESTBUG] AppCDS: ensure test coverage for class loader constraints
JDK-8062550   hotspot         [TESTBUG] additional test is needed for 8061234 ResourceContext.requestAccurateUpdate() is unreliable
JDK-8061300   hotspot         [TESTBUG] closed/gc/TestMemoryPressureReactionDecommit.java still fails with OOM
JDK-8065875   hotspot         [TESTBUG] closed/runtime/AppCDS/JvmtiAddPath.java: Cannot find /export/local/aurora/sandbox/results/workDir/classes/1/closed/runtime/AppCDS/jvmti_app.jar
JDK-8065868   hotspot         [TESTBUG] closed/runtime/AppCDS/JvmtiAddPath.java: [Loaded ExtraClass from shared object' missing from stdout/stderr
JDK-8065752   hotspot         [TESTBUG]: closed/runtime/AppCDS/CommandLineFlagCombo.java fails because of conflicting GC
JDK-8065749   hotspot         [TESTBUG]: gc/arguments/TestG1HeapRegionSize.java fails at nightly
JDK-8055239   hotspot         assert(_thread == Thread::current()->osthread()) failed: The PromotionFailedInfo should be thread local.
JDK-8058846   hotspot         c.o.j.t.Platform::isX86 and isX64 may simultaneously return true
JDK-8064669   hotspot         compiler/whitebox/AllocationCodeBlobTest.java crashes / asserts
JDK-8066141   hotspot         compiler/whitebox/GetNMethodTest.java: java.lang.RuntimeException: blob_type[MethodProfiled] for 2 level isn't MethodNonProfiled
JDK-8064703   hotspot         crash running specjvm98's javac following 8060252
JDK-8065865   hotspot         gc/TestSoftReferencesBehaviorOnOOME.java: Error. Can't find source file: TestSoftReference.java
JDK-8066713   hotspot         ignore compiler/types/correctness
JDK-8066045   hotspot         opto/node.hpp:355, assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
JDK-8060074   hotspot         os::free() takes MemoryTrackingLevel but doesn't need it
JDK-8066761   infrastructure  Investigate -sourcepath usage when compiling java
JDK-8066507   infrastructure  JPRT is not capable of running jtreg tests located jdk/test
JDK-8066589   infrastructure  Make importing sa-jdi.jar optional on its existance
JDK-8066752   infrastructure  Remove space after -L on linker lines
JDK-8066766   infrastructure  The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only
JDK-8065656   infrastructure  Use DWARF debug symbols for Solaris
JDK-8066828   infrastructure  configure fails if it's set --with-boot-jdk to use JDK 9 modular image 
JDK-8062230   other-libs      [TESTBUG] Create tests to check that Resource Management is not available in non commercial build
JDK-8044500   security-libs   Add kinit options and krb5.conf flags that allow users to obtain renewable tickets and specify ticket lifetimes
JDK-8049432   security-libs   New tests for TLS property jdk.tls.client.protocols
JDK-8066638   security-libs   Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.crypto module
JDK-8067001   tools           DetectMutableStaticFields fails after modular images push
JDK-8061549   tools           Disallow _ as a one-character identifier
JDK-8064794   tools           Implement a negative test for cyclic dependencies in import statements
JDK-8065360   tools           Implement a test that checks possibilty of class members to be imported
JDK-8066889   tools           IntelliJ langtools launcher ought to be Windows friendly
JDK-8066902   tools           JavacParserTest fails on Windows
JDK-8066841   tools           Need to exclude javacpl in tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java
JDK-8066961   tools           NegativeCyclicDependencyTest.java fails on Windows
JDK-8058407   tools           Remove Multiple JRE support in the Java launcher
JDK-8067006   tools           Tweak IntelliJ langtools project to show jtreg report directory
JDK-8065753   tools           javac crashing on a html-like file
JDK-8066737   tools           langtools/test/tools/javac/processing/6348193/T6348193.java fails
JDK-8051536   xml             Convert JAXP function tests: javax.xml.parsers to jtreg(testng) tests
JDK-8067183   xml             TEST_BUG:File locked when processing the cleanup on test jaxp/test/javax/xml/jaxp/functional/javax/xml/transform/ptests/TransformerFactoryTest.java

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