JVM struct types

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 10:17:37 UTC 2014

Hi Nils,

You'll want to join the project Valhalla mailing list where they are
currently researching and discussing *possible* solutions to this.


On Tuesday, 30 December 2014, Nils Jonsson <aka.bash0r at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I like the way how .NET handles managed to native interaction via struct
> like data types. This is a feature I am missing in the JVM. Even if I like
> the JVM more than .NET this is somewhat struggling with me. I'd like to
> contribute to the OpenJDK project and implement a similar feature in the
> JVM.
> What I am missing is how and where to start. Can somebody give me some
> guidance?
> Thanks in advance,
> Nils Jonsson


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