jdk9-dev: HotSpot

Alejandro E Murillo alejandro.murillo at oracle.com
Thu Jan 23 11:24:56 PST 2014

The snapshot of jdk9/hs taken on 2014-01-17 has been integrated into jdk9/dev.


SQE has approved this integration.
PIT cert will be sent later

CRs integrated:

7012961: runtime/jni/WindowsExceptionFilter/WindowsExceptionFilter01 crashes on windows-amd64
7194669: CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization should avoid verifying dependencies multiple times
8002074: Support for AES on SPARC
8022301: [TESTBUG] runtime/jsig/Test8017498.sh incorrectly compiles native code
8022395: java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format in JT_JDK/test/java/util/zip/GZIP tests
8026253: New type profiling points: sparc support
8028398: [TESTBUG]: test/runtime/memory/ReadFromNoaccessArea.java failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
8028764: dtrace/hotspot_jni/ALL/ALL001 crashes the vm on Solaris-amd64, SIGSEGV in MarkSweep::follow_stack()+0x8a
8029162: G1: Shared SATB queue never enabled
8029255: G1: Reference processing should not enqueue references on the shared SATB queue
8029464: assert(ft == ttkp->cast_to_ptr_type(jtkp->ptr()) || ft->isa_narrowoop()
8030184: Remove unneeded "content_type" declarations from tracetypes.xml
8030662: "assert(counter_changed) failed: failed dependencies, but counter didn't change" still fails
8030941: Darwin mapfile-vers doesnt work for other BSDs
8031059: invokestatic: ICCE trying to invoke static method when it clashes with an abstract method inherited from an interface
8031304: Add dcmd to print all loaded dynamic libraries.
8031376: TraceClassLoading expects there to be a (Java) caller when you load a class with the bootstrap class loader
8031530: [TESTBUG] Enable test runtime/LoadClass/LoadClassNegative.java
8031779: Assert in MetaspaceGC is always true


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