jdk9-b20: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Fri Jun 20 18:23:25 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8046595   client-libs     fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 2 of 4
JDK-8046596   client-libs     fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 3 of 4
JDK-8047035   core-libs       (function() "hello")() crashes in Lexer with jdk9
JDK-8047057   core-libs       Add a regression test for the passing test cases from JDK-8042304
JDK-8046389   core-libs       Add missing @since tag under javax.sql.**
JDK-8046898   core-libs       Make sure that there is no difference in test exercise behavior between lazy and non lazy
JDK-8046707   core-libs       Performance of java.time could be better
JDK-8041679   core-libs       Replace uses of StringBuffer with StringBuilder within core library classes
JDK-8046416   core-libs       Unable to parse an Instant from fields
JDK-8046903   core-libs       VM anonymous class members can't be statically invocable
JDK-8044730   core-libs       small errors in ConcurrentHashMap and LongAdder docs
JDK-8046588   core-libs       test for SO_FLOW_SLA availability does not check for EACCESS
JDK-8046778   core-svc        Better error messages when starting JMX agent via attach or jcmd
JDK-8043939   core-svc        Remove management-agent.jar
JDK-8041498   core-svc        Remove npt library
JDK-6545295   core-svc        TEST BUG: The test HatHeapDump1Test uses wrong path in exec call.
JDK-6622468   core-svc        TEST_BUG: Time to retire the @debuggeeVMOptions mechanism used in the com.sun.jdi infrastructure
JDK-8046348   core-svc        com/sun/jdi/OptionTest.java should be quarantined
JDK-8044762   core-svc        com/sun/jdi/OptionTest.java test time out
JDK-8046351   core-svc        com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotification[Content]Test.java should be quarantined
JDK-8046355   core-svc        sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatdExternalRegistry.java should be quarantined
JDK-8044496   hotspot         8034812 broke build with clang
JDK-8035968   hotspot         C2 support for SHA on SPARC
JDK-8044673   hotspot         Create jtreg groups to list GC specific tests
JDK-8035605   hotspot         Expand functionality of PredictedIntrinsicGenerator
JDK-8046275   hotspot         Fastdebug build failing on  jdk9/hs/ control jobs after pulling some hs-comp changes
JDK-8026796   hotspot         Make replace_in_map() on parent maps generic
JDK-8031389   hotspot         On x86 C1 emits two relocations for polls
JDK-8044071   hotspot         Print format/argument warnings
JDK-8043413   hotspot         REGRESSION: Hotspot causes segmentation fault in jdk8ux, but not in jdk7ux
JDK-8044242   hotspot         Remove dead NativeMovRegMemPatching class
JDK-8026396   hotspot         Remove information duplication in the collector policy
JDK-8042298   hotspot         Remove the names gen0 and gen1 from the GC code
JDK-8033145   hotspot         Runtime1::arraycopy_count_address uses wrong _oop_arraycopy_cnt variable
JDK-8011646   hotspot         SEGV in compiled code with loop predication
JDK-8046516   hotspot         Segmentation fault in JVM (easily reproducible)
JDK-8030976   hotspot         Untaken paths should be more vigorously pruned at highest optimization level
JDK-8044339   hotspot         Update FilterSpuriousWakeups documentation. Review "Solaris only" vm options descriptions
JDK-8041503   hotspot         [TESTBUG] test/closed/compiler/4477197/AVTest.java runs for an hour
JDK-8046226   hotspot         assert(_thread == Thread::current()) failed: thread must be current w/ -XX:+TraceDeoptimization -XX:+Verbose
JDK-8033626   hotspot         assert(ex_map->jvms()->same_calls_as(_exceptions->jvms())) failed: all collected exceptions must come from the same place
JDK-8029381   hotspot         assert(is_method_type()) failed: bad cast
JDK-8044538   hotspot         assert(which != imm_operand) failed: instruction is not a movq reg, imm64
JDK-8046352   hotspot         com/sun/tools/attach/TempDirTest.java should be quarantined
JDK-8021775   hotspot         compiler/8009761/Test8009761.java  "Failed: init recursive calls: 51. After deopt 50"
JDK-8040244   hotspot         compiler/whitebox/IsMethodCompilableTest.java fails with 'private int SimpleTestCase$Helper.method() is still compilable after 3 iterations'
JDK-8031994   hotspot         java/lang/Character/CheckProp test times out
JDK-8038756   hotspot         new WB API :: get/setVMFlag
JDK-8034812   hotspot         remove IDX_INIT macro hack in Node class
JDK-8044575   hotspot         testlibrary_tests/whitebox/vm_flags/UintxTest.java failed: assert(!res || TypeEntriesAtCall::arguments_profiling_enabled()) failed: no profiling of arguments
JDK-8047068   infrastructure  Configure --with-java-devtools should set up new devkits
JDK-8032045   infrastructure  Enable compiler and linker safety switches for debug builds
JDK-8046902   other-libs      Remove sun.misc.Timer
JDK-8046044   security-libs   Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in XML Signature Impl
JDK-7176176   security-libs   Need to make improvement to access temporary dir
JDK-8047085   security-libs   PKCS11/NSS tests failing intermittently on Windows
JDK-8036613   security-libs   [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/security/provider/WinCAPISeedGenerator.c
JDK-8042830   tools           A recently added Xprefer test fails on Windows
JDK-8038975   tools           Access control in enhanced for
JDK-8036953   tools           Fix timing of varargs access check, per JDK-8016205
JDK-8043062   tools           JDK 9 platform and compiler upgrade failed on Solaris-sparcv9 with Javadoc.gmk:360: recipe for target docs/api/index.html
JDK-8043253   tools           Slow javac compile times in JDK 8
JDK-8046916   tools           Type parameter annotations don't work with multiple type parameters
JDK-8042829   tools           [javadoc] index-file output is not sorted correctly
JDK-8046369   tools           sjavac should not use javac internal API for starting javac
JDK-8044735                   Print format/argument warnings

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