jdk9-b38: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Nov 5 19:49:24 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8058197   client-libs     AWT fails on generic non-reparenting window managers
JDK-8059590   client-libs     ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when Container with overridden getComponents() is deserialized
JDK-8059995   client-libs     Broken link in Package javax.swing.border
JDK-8033699   client-libs     Incorrect radio button behavior
JDK-8061392   client-libs     PrinterJob NPE when drawing translucent image with null user clip
JDK-8061267   client-libs     PrinterJob: Specified Page Ranges not displayed in Windows Native Print Dialog
JDK-8055705   client-libs     Rename UnixPrintServiceLookup and Win32PrintServiceLookup as a platform neutral class name
JDK-8058120   client-libs     Rendering / caret errors with HTMLDocument
JDK-8038919   client-libs     Requesting focus to a modeless dialog doesn't work on Safari
JDK-7170310   client-libs     ScrollBar doesn't become active when tabs are created more than frame size
JDK-8054543   client-libs     Setting a border on a JLayer causes an Exceptions
JDK-8059848   client-libs     Test  java/awt/GraphicsDevice/CloneConfigsTest.java causes JVM crash in OEL 7.0
JDK-8059297   client-libs     Test api/javax_swing/interactive/JInternalFrameTests.html#JInternalFrame [JInternalFrameTest0007] fails with MotifLookAndFeel 
JDK-8058969   client-libs     Test closed/sun/java2d/cmm/StubCMMShellTest.sh fails 
JDK-8061456   client-libs     [OGL] Incorrect clip is used during sw->surface blit in xor mode
JDK-8059943   client-libs     [macosx] Aqua LaF should use BI.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE for a better performance
JDK-7148531   client-libs     [macosx] In test, the window does not have time to resize before make a screenshot
JDK-8029253   client-libs     [macosx] Performance problems with Retina display on Mac OS X
JDK-8059206   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2014i
JDK-8062198   core-libs       Add RowSetMetaDataImpl Tests and  add column range validation to isdefinitlyWritable
JDK-8023173   core-libs       FileDescriptor should respect append flag
JDK-8059877   core-libs       GWT branch frequencies pollution due to LF sharing
JDK-8061533   core-libs       HijrahChronology should use Integer.parseInt
JDK-8062288   core-libs       Minor reorg of test/java/sql testng tests
JDK-8062501   core-libs       Modifications of server socket channel accept() methods for instrumentation purposes
JDK-8048124   core-libs       Read hijrah-config-umalqura.properties as a resource
JDK-8062185   core-libs       Unpaired braces in javadoc
JDK-8043277   core-libs       Update jdk regression tests to extend the default security policy instead of override 
JDK-4774077   core-libs       Use covariant return types in the NIO buffer hierarchy
JDK-8062401   core-libs       User accessors require boxing and do not support optimistic types
JDK-8062216   core-libs       [nashorn] regresion test failure with TimeZone
JDK-8062233   core-libs       add java/rmi/server/Unreferenced/finiteGCLatency/FiniteGCLatency.java to problem list
JDK-8062513   core-libs       doclint warnings in HijrahChronology
JDK-8062070   core-svc        com/sun/jdi/DoubleAgentTest.java.DoubleAgentTest fails intermittently after 8056143
JDK-8061960   core-svc        java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/TestDaemonThread.java regularly fails due to exceeded timeout
JDK-8043865   deploy          2 tck-jnlp tests fail on Windows with jnlp client exitcode -1
JDK-8023095   deploy          Applet with legacy_lifecycle=true and jdwp properties destroyed on browseaway
JDK-8059798   deploy          Disable sponsors from JCP
JDK-8055734   deploy          FireFox on OS X returning HTMLAppletElement instead of expected Applet
JDK-8061350   deploy          Improve  settings.xml parser
JDK-8054859   deploy          IntegrationService.requestShortcut returns true since 8u20 b21/8u25 b06 in override case even if user clicks cancel
JDK-8050838   deploy          JRE Install Error in localized Windows 8.1 after join in AD domain
JDK-8058471   deploy          Java plugin crash in Firefox 32.0.1 on Mac
JDK-8027019   deploy          Sometimes, codebase property is not written in .lap file in cache before loading app
JDK-8057026   deploy          Stop copying demos, pointless without htmlconverter
JDK-8060719   deploy          TrustDecider.checkMainJarManifest will fail for fx app with embedded certificate.
JDK-8059387   deploy          Unexpected SSV warning appears on Linux for FX applet requesting JRE 1.7+
JDK-8053917   deploy          [Enterprise MSI] .jnlp related registry keys are missing after installing NEXTVER msi
JDK-8058671   deploy          [nightly] 8u40  Inaccurate warning detail is displayed when unsigned resource is loaded. 
JDK-8061296   deploy          [nightly] 8u40 - 'Advanced' tab in JCP is empty
JDK-8061295   deploy          [nightly] 8u40 - second security warning is shown
JDK-8060123   deploy          [nightly] 8u40 Dialog "Run with the latest version" is not shown
JDK-8060440   deploy          [sv] Security dialog is not displayed correctly in Swedish Windows
JDK-8059449   deploy          append content to trace file for plugin and JCP instead of overwriting it
JDK-8059032   deploy          getResourceAsStream() doesn't work for applets
JDK-8051361   deploy          javaws -uninstall complains about insecure properties
JDK-8059364   deploy          javaws -viewer throws NPE
JDK-8061342   deploy          javaws help message in Japanese is corrupted
JDK-8049492   deploy          javax.jnlp should be annotated with @jdk.Exported
JDK-8060716   deploy          unsigned app can be launched directly with -Xnosplash
JDK-8023094   deploy          web start short cut icon disappear when launch disconnected
JDK-8054092   embedded        ARM crash:  assert((imm & 0x0ffffff0) == 0) failed: too complicated constant: 1044 (414)
JDK-8037424   embedded        ARM: Improve Crypto performance
JDK-8025999   embedded        ARM: Thumb2 mode utilizes unsupported instructions
JDK-8048139   embedded        ARM: VerifyOops + TieredCompilation problem
JDK-8042928   embedded        ARM: merge ARM-only fixes from jdk8-mobile
JDK-8037504   embedded        Crash in C1 CompilerThread1 in hotspot/src/closed/cpu/arm/vm/c1_LIRAssembler_arm.cpp:2409
JDK-8060713   embedded        [ARM][PPC] forward port closed ARM and PPC code from ejdk8u to jdk9
JDK-8039756   embedded        [BIGAPPS] Glassfish3+samples fails on odroid machines with the SIGILL
JDK-8051755   embedded        api/java_nio/DoubleBuffer and api/java_nio/FloatBuffer failed
JDK-8060698   embedded        closed/compiler/6595044/Main.java breaks assertion in codeBuffer.hpp:176 in JDK-on-ARM-hf
JDK-8036799   embedded        eliminating in PPC code erroneous metada_relocs
JDK-8041106   embedded        getThreadAllocatedBytes() does not account for some tlabs on PPC and ARM
JDK-8042927   embedded        regression hotspot failures in nightly jdk_on_arm with VM options -server  -XX:+TieredCompilation
JDK-8061805   hotspot         BACKOUT - Remove the generations array
JDK-8058568   hotspot         GC cleanup phase can cause G1 skipping a System.gc()
JDK-8056240   hotspot         Investigate increased GC remark time after class unloading changes in CRM Fuse
JDK-8055702   hotspot         Remove the generations array
JDK-8060256   hotspot         The loop in  Arguments::parse() can be enhanced
JDK-8060165   hotspot         closed/com/oracle/jfr/io/TestInstrumentation.java failing with modular image build
JDK-8060707   hotspot         jdwp accept invalid address ':'
JDK-6979279   hotspot         remove special-case code for ParallelGCThreads==0
JDK-8062521   infrastructure  9-dev glinux/elinux "configure: error: Could not find all X11 headers" since 2014-10-28
JDK-8062159   infrastructure  Fix Xrender check to work with sysroot
JDK-8062312   infrastructure  OpenJDK build fails when bundling freetype libraries
JDK-8061248   install         "You have the latest Java" dialog has swapped title and content
JDK-8060134   install         64-bit AU installs only 32-bit upgrade
JDK-8061224   install         AV in AccessBridge.cpp Delete32and64bitAccessBridgeFiles()
JDK-7114094   install         Fail to remove AU when uninstalling  7u1 b08
JDK-8050268   install         JRE online uninstaller is not localized 
JDK-8059584   install         Java 9 considered out-of-date version by Java uninstall tool 
JDK-8062062   install         Silent IFTW fails with MSI error [1639] Invalid command line argument. 
JDK-8060752   install         Windows 8.1 should be reported as "win81" in pings
JDK-8061243   install         install repo should be able to build with or without modules
JDK-8057183   install         out-of-date dialogs are not displayed correctly in ENGLISH on Win 8
JDK-8039196   install         remove dependency on PluginVersion.h (from deploy build)
JDK-8059679   install         too much delay between welcome and progress dialog
JDK-8062264   security-libs   KeychainStore requires non-null password to be supplied when retrieving a private key
JDK-8062336   tools           Revert tools/javap/T6729471.java to original test code
JDK-8062376   tools           Suppress cast warnings when using NIO buffers
JDK-8062514   tools           Update ToolTester tests to close file manager
JDK-8059453   tools           javac crashes with -Xjcov and union types
JDK-8062504   tools           javadoc Start does not close file managers that it opens
JDK-8062348   tools           langtools tests should close file manager (group 1)
JDK-7156085   xml             ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException throws in UTF8Reader of SAXParser

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