VirtualMachine in tools.jar

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Aug 25 02:54:25 UTC 2015

On 25/08/2015 1:04 AM, Henri Tremblay wrote:
> Does the absence of answer means that this subject was never raised before?
> Or that it is considered of no interest?

More likely that there are a number of factors involved and the right 
people may not be monitoring this particular list closely. Once the 
modular image comes along (as part of Jigsaw) tools.jar will be gone. 
Asking on core-libs-dev or serviceability-dev may get more of a response.


> On 21 August 2015 at 12:34, Henri Tremblay <henri.tremblay at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't know if that was discussed before. If yes, I'm sorry to be
>> redundant.
>> I had the problem yesterday while playing with JMX and thought it could be
>> of interest.
>> Are there any plans to move some code from tools.jar to the JDK?
>> Specifically, I'm thinking about the VirtualMachine object. When
>> connecting with JMX, you can connect in remote using the JDK but if you
>> want to connect using the PID, it seems that you absolutely need tools.jar.
>> I find this discrepancy quite odd and would like to have your thoughts
>> about that.
>> Thanks
>> Henri

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