RFR (XS) 8031064: build_vm_def.sh not working correctly for new build cross compile

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Thu Jan 15 06:31:17 UTC 2015

Hi Dean,

Code reviews don't go to jdk9-dev. Build-infra is not relevant to this 
either. You only need hotspot-dev for a hotspot build issue (though 
build-dev might be useful for more complex changes).

On 15/01/2015 9:23 AM, Dean Long wrote:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8031064
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dlong/8031064/webrev/
> This change allows the build_vm_def.sh script to use the $NM chosen by
> configure rather than "nm",
> which makes things better if you're cross-compiling.

I'm always wary of things that might be shell specific:

   vm.def: $(Res_Files) $(Obj_Files)
!         NM=$(NM) sh $(GAMMADIR)/make/linux/makefiles/build_vm_def.sh 
*.o > $@

I use this style of shell script invocation a lot from bash, where it 
works, but I was under the impression not all shells support it.


> dl

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