RFR: 8145461 changes to @Deprecated annotation

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Sat Apr 2 07:43:40 UTC 2016

2016/3/31 22:56:39 -0700, stuart.marks at oracle.com:
> ...
> Yes, we've had our bit of fun with "condemned." I've gotten a fair amount of 
> in-person feedback that has been in the form of wrinkled noses and knitted 
> eyebrows and comments like "isn't there a better word?" I admit that was my 
> first impression as well, but I've gotten used to it. Nonetheless, it's time to 
> change it.

Too bad.  I always kind of liked "condemned", but I see your reasons for
changing it.  "forRemoval" is fine, and it does read well.

- Mark

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