jdk9-dev: HotSpot

Alejandro Murillo alejandro.murillo at oracle.com
Tue Apr 19 03:31:41 UTC 2016

jdk9-hs-2016-04-14 has been integrated into jdk9-dev.


Component : VM
Status    : Go for integration
Date      : 04/18/2016 at 19:00 MSK
Tested By : VM SQE &dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com

Bundles   : 2016-04-15-025641.amurillo.jdk9-hs-2016-04-14-snapshot

Testing:  48 new failures, 1226 known failures, 512078 passed.

Issues and Notes:
None of the currently unresolved integration blockers from the list:
is critical. Some of bugs already exist in the dev repo (JDK-8154258), and it's not clear why they are marked as blocker.
Some of the bugs are just recently filed and not seen in the binaries tested.
Summary: Go for integration

CRs for testing:
8033735: make Throwable.backtrace visible to Class.getDeclaredField again
8077144: Concurrent mark initialization takes too long
8144073: Refactor hotspot/test/gc/g1/humongousObjects/TestHumongousThreshold.java
8145221: Use trampolines for i2i and i2c entries in Methods that are stored in CDS archive
8145704: Make test for classinit logging more robust.
8146093: [sparc only] compiler/interpreter/7116216/StackOverflow.java Program terminates with signal 11, Segmentation fault. in __1cLRegisterMap2t6MpnKJavaThread_b_v_ ()
8146879: Add option for handling existing log files in UL
8148376: Test for PLAB behavior at evacuation failure.
8148772: VM crash in nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine: assert failed: Corrupted constant pool
8149405: OOM Error running java/lang/invoke/MethodHandlesTest.java on windows-x86
8151322: Implement os::set_native_thread_name() on Solaris
8151386: Extract card live data out of G1ConcurrentMark
8151546: nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine fails in hs nightly
8151939: VM_Version_init() print buffer is too small
8152180: SIGFPE in CMSCollector::preclean with big CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio
8152182: Possible overflow in initialzation of _rescan_task_size and _marking_task_size
8152312: ParNew: Restore preserved marks in parallel
8152329: jvm should treat the "Multi-Release" jar manifest attribute name as case insensitive
8152432: Implement setting jtreg @requires properties vm.flavor, vm.bits, vm.compMode
8152435: (CL)HSDB should be started with no argument
8152468: PrintMiscellaneous in constantPool should use classresolve logging.
8152491: Convert TracePageSizes to use UL
8152639: ResourceMark missing in reportFreeListStatistics
8152666: The new Hotspot Build System
8152679: DeadlockDetectionTest.java fails due to expected output missing
8152846: Creation of ModuleEntryTable Investigate Need For OrderAccess::storestore()
8152896: Convert PrintCompressedOopsMode to Unified Logging
8152905: hs_err file is missing gc threads
8152962: CMSCollector::shouldConcurrentCollect incorrectly logs against the debug stream
8152989: serviceability/tmtools/jstat/GcCauseTest02.java fails with OOME
8153123: Streamline StackWalker code
8153277: [TESTBUG] gc/arguments/TestMaxMinHeapFreeRatioFlags is too sensitive for stray allocations in verifyRatio
8153319: new test serviceability/tmtools/jstack/JstackThreadTest.java fails
8153516: Hotspot TEST.group has error in GC groups definition.
8153583: Make OutputAnalyzer.reportDiagnosticSummary public
8153584: New jtreg test to verify PathSearchingVirutalMachine.bootClassPath() behaviour
8153658: Redundant memory copy in LogStreamNoResourceMark
8153659: Create a CHeap backed LogStream class
8153731: Increase max tag combinations for UL expression (config)
8153734: TestHumongousReferenceObject.java occasionally crashes with "unable to allocate heap of 1g" on win32
8153742: Move Thread::current() to thread.hpp
8153834: G1 Card table verification fails due to concurrent region cleanup
8153843: G1CardLiveDataHelper incorrectly sets next_live_bytes on dead humongous regions
8153845: UL log write method missing essential assert
8153856: com/sun/jdi/WatchFramePop.sh fails with exit code 1
8153902: remove com/sun/jdi/InterfaceMethodsTest.java, com/sun/jdi/InvokeTest.java from ProblemList
8153967: Remove top.hpp
8154087: Fix AIX and Linux/ppc64le after the integration of the new hotspot build


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