jdk9-b150: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Dec 21 17:08:30 UTC 2016



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-4419271   client-libs     Provide support for scrolling-mechanisms of non-mouse input-devices 
JDK-6614519   client-libs     [Doc] Description java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext.getCursor() should be 
JDK-7147083   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] DnDFileGroupDescriptor not applicable on Mac 
JDK-7190572   client-libs     Nimbus: hard to understand but consistent failure of HTMLEditorKit tes 
JDK-7190578   client-libs     Nimbus: css test for 4936917 fails 
JDK-7190602   client-libs     Nimbus: regtest fails looking for some properties, are they mandatory? 
JDK-8025439   client-libs     [TEST BUG] [macosx] PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices doesn't wor 
JDK-8048702   client-libs     Deprecate obsolete classes in javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalFileChooserU 
JDK-8074562   client-libs     CID keyed OpenType fonts are not supported by T2K 
JDK-8138771   client-libs     java.awt.image.AbstractMultiResolutionImage needs customized spec for  
JDK-8140525   client-libs     AwtFrame::WmShowWindow() may steal focus 
JDK-8153208   client-libs     TIFFImageReadParam: should "contains()" check be appropriate for addAl 
JDK-8154058   client-libs     [TIFF] ignoreMetadata parameter of TIFFImageReader's setInput() method 
JDK-8159906   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JDialog/Transparency/TransparencyTest.java  
JDK-8160441   client-libs     [PIT][TEST_BUG][macosx] javax/swing/JComboBox/8041909/ActionListenerEx 
JDK-8160536   client-libs     [macosx] Possible regression: com/apple/eawt/DefaultMenuBar/DefaultMen 
JDK-8162350   client-libs     RepaintManager shifts repainted region when the floating point UI scal 
JDK-8166683   client-libs     On macOS (Mac OS X) getting a ScreenMenuBar when not running "com.appl 
JDK-8167103   client-libs     Intermittent font loading failure on macOS with JFXPanel application 
JDK-8167160   client-libs     [TEST_BUG][PIT]  failure of javax/swing/JRadioButton/8033699/bug803369 
JDK-8167182   client-libs     Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.accessibility 
JDK-8167284   client-libs     [TESTBUG] [PIT] possible regression: javax/swing/JRadioButton/FocusTra 
JDK-8168135   client-libs     The issue JDK-8164462 seems not fixed in b140 
JDK-8168657   client-libs     [PIT] Still, on Windows test always fails: java/awt/SplashScreen/Multi 
JDK-8168759   client-libs     Incorrect vertical positioning of diacritics 
JDK-8169202   client-libs     [macos] Font substitution does not work for supplementary characters 
JDK-8169589   client-libs     [macosx] Activating a JDialog puts to back another dialog 
JDK-8169719   client-libs     WrappedPlainView.modelToView() should return Rectangle2D 
JDK-8169725   client-libs     cannot use TIFFField(TIFFTag tag, int value) for TIFF_LONG values grea 
JDK-8169728   client-libs     Missing sign checks in TIFFField(TIFFTag tag, int type, int count, Obj 
JDK-8169840   client-libs     [TESTBUG] DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest: Test clashes with another 
JDK-8169879   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/text/GlyphPainter2/6427244/bug6427244.java - co 
JDK-8170142   client-libs     Broken links in TIFF metadata format and usage notes 
JDK-8170387   client-libs     JLightweightFrame#syncCopyBuffer() may throw IOOBE 
JDK-8170954   client-libs     non-ASCII characters in lcms and harfbuzz break Windows builds on some 
JDK-8023898   core-libs       Consolidate Map tests Collisions and InPlaceOpsCollisions into general 
JDK-8025199   core-libs       java/rmi/registry/reexport/Reexport.java failed with: Port already in  
JDK-8038079   core-libs       Re-examine integration of SPNEGO authentication 
JDK-8054214   core-libs       JapaneseEra.getDisplayName doesn't return names if it's an additional  
JDK-8139688   core-libs       Port fdlibm exp to Java 
JDK-8148023   core-libs       File.createTempFile is not adhering to the contract regarding file nam 
JDK-8153320   core-libs       Remove HttpProxy descriptions from RMI specification 
JDK-8163315   core-libs       Implement an API to identify an implicitly declared annotation (or dec 
JDK-8166763   core-libs       java/rmi/* tests fail intermittently with "Port already in use" in RMI 
JDK-8168836   core-libs       Minor clean up on warning/error messages on --add-exports and --add-re 
JDK-8168979   core-libs       @implNote for invalid FilePermission 
JDK-8169389   core-libs       Use a bitmap to control StackTraceElement::toString format and save fo 
JDK-8169465   core-libs       Deadlock in com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Connections 
JDK-8169806   core-libs       Minor cleanup of the DriverManager overview comments 
JDK-8170663   core-libs       Fix minor issues in corelib and servicabilty coding. 
JDK-8170864   core-libs       java/net/URLClassLoader/closetest/CloseTest.java has undeclared depend 
JDK-8170943   core-libs       Collectors.partitioningBy should specify that false and true entries a 
JDK-8170987   core-libs       Module system implementation refresh (12/2016) 
JDK-8171072   core-libs       java/rmi/transport/handshake*/Handshake*.java, exception is not thrown 
JDK-8171075   core-libs       Inet4AddressImpl: Remove duplicate and (no longer used ?) native codin 
JDK-8171076   core-libs       improve rmi tests by replacing TestLibrary.createRegistryOnUnusedPort, 
JDK-8171077   core-libs       Use getaddrinfo/getnameinfo in Windows Inet4AddresImpl native code 
JDK-8171133   core-libs       java/rmi/registry/reexport/Reexport.java, there is a missing case chec 
JDK-8171189   core-libs       Deprecate ResourceBundleControlProvider for removal 
JDK-8171201   core-libs       Drop java.compact$N aggregator modules 
JDK-8171202   core-libs       Rename jdk.crypto.pkcs11 and jdk.pack200 to end with Java letters 
JDK-8171219   core-libs       Missing checks in sparse array shift() implementation 
JDK-8171234   core-libs       Remove intermittent key from test java/nio/charset/coders/BashStreams. 
JDK-8171298   core-libs       ProblemList java/rmi/registry/readTest/readTest.sh due to JDK-7146543 
JDK-8171373   core-libs       Reduce copying during initialization of ModuleHashes 
JDK-8171377   core-libs       Add sun.misc.Unsafe::invokeCleaner 
JDK-8171400   core-libs       Move checking of duplicate packages in the boot layer to link time 
JDK-8171478   core-libs       tools/launcher/modules/patch/systemmodules/PatchSystemModules.java fai 
JDK-8171503   core-libs       Nashorn build, test failures with the latest jdk9-dev forest - javadoc 
JDK-8141591   core-svc        javax/management/remote/mandatory/threads/ExecutorTest.java fails inte 
JDK-8160024   core-svc        jdb returns invalid argument count if first parameter to Arrays.asList 
JDK-8164843   core-svc        UsageTracker should limit records and avoid truncation 
JDK-8168141   core-svc        javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/EmptyDomainNotificationTest.ja 
JDK-8169232   core-svc        SA: TestCpoolForInvokeDynamic.java fails with sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger 
JDK-8169344   core-svc        Potential open file descriptor in exists() of  hotspot/agent/src/os/bs 
JDK-8169575   core-svc        com/sun/management/DiagnosticCommandMBean/DcmdMBeanPermissionsTest.jav 
JDK-8169597   core-svc        Quarantine TestCpoolForInvokeDynamic.java until JDK-8169232 is solved 
JDK-8169638   core-svc        serviceability/sa/TestInstanceKlassSize.java and serviceability/sa/Tes 
JDK-8171468   core-svc        sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/CustomLauncherTest.java fails as li 
JDK-8158217   deploy          Can not turn off UAC for a standard local account ( Limited User ) whe 
JDK-8158820   deploy          Add some strings to excludes - New JCP 
JDK-8164634   deploy          Registered JREs match to different 'osname' 
JDK-8165817   deploy          At step7:No the first security warning dialog display after relaunchin 
JDK-8165822   deploy          At step9.There is an SSV security warning dialog show up after clickin 
JDK-8166014   deploy          At step6.The third applet can not be loaded and it will redirect to an 
JDK-8169333   deploy          regression/js/UserAgentTest.java fails after JDK-8148781 
JDK-8169365   deploy          [jcp] jcp process is not terminated if DialogSelector is not closed 
JDK-8169733   deploy          Resurrect plugin regression tests not in sun.plugin2.applet 
JDK-8170342   deploy          For step4: There is no Java Update Needed dialog. 
JDK-8170344   deploy          At step12,The content contained in 'More Information' dialog is incorr 
JDK-8170345   deploy          "Test Fail" is shown in the application window. 
JDK-8170347   deploy          An unsigned security dialog shown up. 
JDK-8170376   deploy          At step 8:There is no "Application Error" dialog shown up. 
JDK-8170377   deploy          At step 7:AppletB can not loaded successfully and there is only one Ja 
JDK-8170434   deploy          Test instruction step5 need update. 
JDK-8170501   deploy          No security level can be found in the JCP->security 
JDK-8170502   deploy          No java.security file can be found in TEST_JRE_HOME/lib/security 
JDK-8170504   deploy          No jfxrt.jar can be found in JAVA_HOME\lib. 
JDK-8170506   deploy          At step4,No checkbox "I accept the risk and want to run this app" disp 
JDK-8170507   deploy          At step4,there is no security warning dialog pop up 
JDK-8170508   deploy          Step6: authenticated pop-up dialog from Java(Javafx based) with title  
JDK-8170513   deploy          At step2,The applet will be blocked once the applet is launched. 
JDK-8170529   deploy          At step5,applet can not be launched fine. 
JDK-8170657   deploy          At step3,the application can't be loaded,and an error dialog can be sh 
JDK-8170662   deploy          At step4.Online installer failed to install 
JDK-8170788   deploy          An RevocationChecker$StatusUnknownException thrown on the java console 
JDK-8170789   deploy          Step4:a blocked dialog display, but entrys display as expect in each v 
JDK-8170791   deploy          At step5.There is an unsigned security dialog shown up for JDK9 
JDK-7034834   hotspot         JVMTI xml file referring to old JDK version 
JDK-8057003   hotspot         Large reference arrays cause extremely long synchronization times 
JDK-8078450   hotspot         Implement consistent process for quarantine of tests 
JDK-8158012   hotspot         Use SW prefetch instructions instead of BIS for allocation prefetches  
JDK-8160543   hotspot         C1: Crash in java.lang.String.indexOf in some java.sql tests 
JDK-8162338   hotspot         AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations 
JDK-8165287   hotspot         fix compress intrinsics to produce correct results with avx512 
JDK-8165550   hotspot         Add class loader names to ClassCastException message 
JDK-8165955   hotspot         TestFullGCCount test failed with CMS and -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurr 
JDK-8166132   hotspot         Convert TestGlobalDefinitions_test to GTest 
JDK-8166156   hotspot         Convert test_semaphore to GTest 
JDK-8166417   hotspot         Integrate Graal-core into JDK for AOT compiler 
JDK-8166607   hotspot         G1 needs klass_or_null_acquire 
JDK-8166719   hotspot         gc/stress/TestStressG1Humongous.java fails with OOME 
JDK-8166761   hotspot         Compiler testing in tier2 should be optimized to finish in 20 minutes. 
JDK-8166811   hotspot         Missing memory fences between memory allocation and refinement 
JDK-8166837   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Fix tests on Linux/s390x 
JDK-8166898   hotspot         G1SATBCardTableLoggingModRefBS::invalidate() incorrect with whole_heap 
JDK-8167067   hotspot         Fix x86 SHA instructions to be non Vex encoded 
JDK-8167497   hotspot         Inform user of alternative to -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecordi 
JDK-8167500   hotspot         Unified logging for JFR 
JDK-8167506   hotspot         Remove -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=compressedintegers=false 
JDK-8167650   hotspot         NMT should check for invalid MEMFLAGS. 
JDK-8167656   hotspot         Unstable MethodHandle inlining causing huge performance variations 
JDK-8167679   hotspot         G1 phase logging is messy 
JDK-8168341   hotspot         Gtests on JSon produce an enormous amount of hardly understandable out 
JDK-8168396   hotspot         Unexpected OOME in GcCauseTest02 and GcTest02 
JDK-8168492   hotspot         Convert CollectedHeap_test to GTest 
JDK-8168493   hotspot         Convert TestBitMap_test to GTest 
JDK-8168503   hotspot         JEP 297: Unified arm32/arm64 Port 
JDK-8168790   hotspot         CDS: assert(max_delta <= (0x7FFFFFFF)) failed: range check 
JDK-8168796   hotspot         relax vm options checking during CDS dump time 
JDK-8168904   hotspot         Initialize and reset G1 phase times to zero 
JDK-8168934   hotspot         [TESTBUG] gc/g1/logging/TestG1LoggingFailure.java failed 
JDK-8169003   hotspot         LogDecorations.iso8601_utctime_test fails if numeric locale uses "," a 
JDK-8169201   hotspot         Montgomery multiply intrinsic should use correct name 
JDK-8169261   hotspot         Fix for JDK-8067744 creates build failures with some versions of gcc a 
JDK-8169317   hotspot         [s390] Various minor bug fixes and adaptions. 
JDK-8169331   hotspot         [JVMCI] incomplete API to MethodParameters attribute 
JDK-8169423   hotspot         Infinite loop in G1's ConcurrentMarkThread 
JDK-8169497   hotspot         Aarch64: Improve internal array handling 
JDK-8169529   hotspot         AArch64: Revert old JDK-8167595 changes after JDK-8159035 fix is pushe 
JDK-8169551   hotspot         Segfaults in error traces when module version is null 
JDK-8169554   hotspot         [JVMCI] expose missing StubRoutines for intrinsics 
JDK-8169625   hotspot         Libjsig build doesn't set flags for ppc64/s390 builds 
JDK-8169703   hotspot         G1 crashes with guarantee(pretouch_gang != NULL) failed: No pretouch g 
JDK-8169711   hotspot         CDS does not patch entry trampoline if intrinsic method is disabled 
JDK-8169734   hotspot         Update uses of string "java.base" to macro 
JDK-8169867   hotspot         Method::restore_unshareable_info() does not invoke Method::link_method 
JDK-8169870   hotspot         CDS: "assert(partition_size <= size()) failed: partition failed" on 32 
JDK-8169901   hotspot         AArch64: CompareAndExchange intrinsics clobber address register 
JDK-8169931   hotspot         8k class metaspace chunks misallocated from 4k chunk freelist 
JDK-8169941   hotspot         CodeBlob::is_frame_complete_at() does not honor CodeOffsets::frame_nev 
JDK-8170039   hotspot         Change UseAVX < 3 on SKX/KNL to not emit evex vector check 
JDK-8170098   hotspot         AArch64: VM is extremely slow with JVMTI debugging enabled 
JDK-8170100   hotspot         AArch64: Crash in C1-compiled code accessing References 
JDK-8170106   hotspot         AArch64: Multiple JVMCI issues 
JDK-8170226   hotspot         Implement setting jtreg @requires property vm.jvmci 
JDK-8170227   hotspot         use vm.jvmci property in compiler/jvmci tests 
JDK-8170228   hotspot         register closed @requires property setter 
JDK-8170297   hotspot         runtime/SharedArchiveFile/LargeSharedSpace.java didn't run out of memo 
JDK-8170328   hotspot         PPC64: Use andis instead of lis/and 
JDK-8170355   hotspot         [BACKOUT] 8k class metaspace chunks misallocated from 4k chunk freelis 
JDK-8170358   hotspot         [REDO] 8k class metaspace chunks misallocated from 4k chunk freelist 
JDK-8170388   hotspot         Deprecate the flag -XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses 
JDK-8170395   hotspot         Metaspace initialization queries the wrong chunk freelist 
JDK-8170409   hotspot         CMS: Crash in CardTableModRefBSForCTRS::process_chunk_boundaries 
JDK-8170416   hotspot         CompilerControl: VectorizeDebug option type is incorrect 
JDK-8170430   hotspot         x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib 
JDK-8170431   hotspot         non-ASCII characters in source code comments (jimage.hpp) 
JDK-8170468   hotspot         Convert ParallelCompact_test to GTest 
JDK-8170470   hotspot         superword may miss reductions 
JDK-8170490   hotspot         Convert TestBufferingOopClosure_test to GTest 
JDK-8170543   hotspot         Adapt JFR source code for dummy jar 
JDK-8170672   hotspot         Event-based tracing to support classloader instances 
JDK-8170847   hotspot         Refactor trace/traceStream.hpp 
JDK-8170888   hotspot         [linux] Experimental support for cgroup memory limits in container (ie 
JDK-8170991   hotspot         PPC64: Bad code for initialization of short arrays 
JDK-8171008   hotspot         Integrate AOT compiler into JDK 
JDK-8171046   hotspot         Quarantine TestStressG1Humongous.java until JDK-8171045 is fixed 
JDK-8171059   hotspot         [AOT] error in AotCompiler output in some aot tests 
JDK-8171060   hotspot         [AOT] aot tests: WARNING: Requested compilation levels are out of curr 
JDK-8171134   hotspot         Unexpected output in compiler/aot/SharedUsageTest.java 
JDK-8171137   hotspot         [AOT] Avoid warning: -Xint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT o 
JDK-8171187   hotspot         Expected compilation level after compilation to be no less than 1 
JDK-8171226   hotspot         simple typo in the JVMTI spec 
JDK-8171276   hotspot         More problems in compiler/aot/RecompilationTest.java tests 
JDK-8171366   hotspot         macOS: Do not run failure handler commands that require Developer mode 
JDK-8066474   infrastructure  Remove the lib/$ARCH directory from Linux and Solaris images 
JDK-8169255   infrastructure  Link gtestLauncher statically if libjvm is configured for static linki 
JDK-8170284   infrastructure  Move fine granular hotspot make targets to top level 
JDK-8170428   infrastructure  Move src.zip to JDK/lib/src.zip 
JDK-8171163   infrastructure  Merge 9de6a70d5d81 broke test/Makefile 
JDK-8171167   infrastructure  Build fails in Mach 5 with "File name too long." 
JDK-8171249   infrastructure  modules_legal from imported modules are not read by the build 
JDK-8171323   infrastructure  generate dot file for java.se and java.se.ee with only API dependences 
JDK-8171374   infrastructure  GenGraphs should filter the rank grouping if the group is empty 
JDK-8164907   other-libs      Eliminate dependency on java.naming/com.sun.jndi.toolkit.url 
JDK-8075618   security-libs   Test task: Create tests to check jarsigner work with multi-version jar 
JDK-8164595   security-libs   javax/net/ssl/FixingJavadocs/SSLSessionNulls.java fails intermittently 
JDK-8165751   security-libs   NPE hit with java.security.debug=provider 
JDK-8170282   security-libs   Enable ALPN parameters to be supplied during the TLS handshake 
JDK-8170820   security-libs   RevocationRestrictions.java test needs to be updated to use cached OCS 
JDK-8170876   security-libs   NPE in JCE engine classes with java.security.debug=provider 
JDK-8171043   security-libs   ServerIdentityTest.java fails on Windows 
JDK-8171190   security-libs   Bump reference of NIST 800-57 Part 1 Rev 3 to Rev 4 in JarSigner API s 
JDK-8171297   security-libs   ProblemList javax/net/ssl/DTLS/PacketLossRetransmission.java due to JD 
JDK-8171337   security-libs   Check for correct SSLEngineImpl/SSLSocketImpl.setSSLParameters handsha 
JDK-8171340   security-libs   HttpNegotiateServer/java test should not use system proxy on Mac 
JDK-8075793   tools           Source incompatibility for inference using -source 7 
JDK-8160196   tools           Module summary page should display information based on "api" or "deta 
JDK-8162674   tools           change javadoc output text and style emitted by for-removal deprecatio 
JDK-8169005   tools           tools/javac/T8132562/ClassPathWithDoubleQuotesTest.java fails after fi 
JDK-8169925   tools           Organize licenses by module in source, JMOD file, and run-time image 
JDK-8170044   tools           jshell tool: jshell missing from javax.tools.ToolProvider 
JDK-8170162   tools           jshell tool: no mechanism to programmatically launch 
JDK-8170194   tools           jshell tool (jdk repo): launch tool from JShellToolProvider 
JDK-8170195   tools           jshell tool (make): update javadoc generation for jdk.jshell to includ 
JDK-8170289   tools           Re-examine entry point support in jlink 
JDK-8170549   tools           Improve testing of annotations on modules 
JDK-8170553   tools           javac info options should match launcher options 
JDK-8170708   tools           javap -m <module> cannot read a module-info.class 
JDK-8170859   tools           Run time and tool support for ModuleResolution 
JDK-8170961   tools           ProblemList tools/jlink/multireleasejar/JLinkMultiReleaseJarTest.java  
JDK-8171005   tools           Fix JavaFileManager.getLocationForModule(Location location, JavaFileOb 
JDK-8171070   tools           Test ModuleNamesOrderTest.java fails 
JDK-8171138   tools           Remove FileCopierPlugin  
JDK-8171245   tools           Solaris builds fails after JDK-8170663 
JDK-8171255   tools           Javac generates Deprecated class file attribute for @deprecated javado 
JDK-8171316   tools           Add IMPLEMENTOR property to the release file 
JDK-8171355   tools           Implement Elements.getOrigin 
JDK-8171371   tools           Remove redundant type-arguments from generic method calls 
JDK-8171412   tools           tools/javac/modules/AddLimitMods.java failed with "error: module not f 
JDK-8171413   tools           jdk/javadoc/doclet/testModules/TestModules.java failed due to some sub 
JDK-8171414   tools           tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java failed with AssertionError due to new 
JDK-8171418   tools           Remove jdeps hidden --include-system-modules option 
JDK-8171451   tools           update langtools problem lists for failing tests 
JDK-8087303   xml             LSSerializer pretty print does not work anymore. regression? 
JDK-8114834   xml             LSSerializerImpl always serializes an entity reference node to" &entit 
JDK-8146271   xml             File system contention in debug print via XPathFactory.newInstance 
JDK-8169112   xml             java.lang.VerifyError: (class: GregorSamsa, method: template$dot$0$out 
JDK-8170556   xml             Warnings cleanup related to JDK-8167340 
JDK-8171370   tools           Convert anonymous inner classes into lambdas/method references

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