RFR - JDK-8149776 - BSD license for jimage code

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Mon Feb 15 12:53:16 UTC 2016

On 15/02/16 11:36, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Jim has fixed the JBS issue, it should not have been created as a
> restricted issue. To my knowledge, the due diligence has been done.

I am afraid I am still none the wiser as to what the point is of
allowing "more liberal use of jimage native code" as the JIRA states.
Thta merely says what is being done which is ewvident from the change
set itself.

What I originally asked for was "some context to explain why this is
being done?". That isn't addressed by the JIRA any more than it is by
the posted change set. Whoever has instigated the JIRA ought to be doing
it for a reason and I would like to know what that reason is. The issue
here is not one of due diligence, rather of accountability for changes
made to the open source code base.

So, once again:

  Can someone provide some context to explain why this is being done?


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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