FYI, more concise javadoc display of annotations and annotation types in JDK 9 b107

joe darcy joe.darcy at
Mon Feb 29 18:25:38 UTC 2016


FYI, JDK 9 b107 has two annotation-related javadoc improvements which 
improve conciseness. First, methods in annotation types no longer 
display the superfluous "public abstract" modifiers. [1] Second, when a 
single-element annotation is present [2], the unnecessary "value=" text 
is elided. [3]

Both changes align the javadoc output with conventions for how the 
corresponding source is written.

For an example of these changes, compare the JDK 8 version of Repeatable

with the one from a recent JDK 9 build:



[1] JDK-6469561: javadoc for annotation types should not display "public 
abstract" modifiers on methods


[2] JDK-6469562: Use compact notation to display annotation values

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