jdk9-b126: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Jul 6 20:27:27 UTC 2016



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-6233323   core-libs       ZipEntry.isDirectory() may return false incorrectly 
JDK-7090039   core-libs       Wrong link in comment of java.text.DateFormatSymbols 
JDK-8136356   core-libs       Add time zone mappings on Windows 
JDK-8143211   core-libs       provide bytecode intrinsics for loop and try/finally executors 
JDK-8144977   core-libs       Class.getResourceAsStream("directory") in JAR returns broken InputStre 
JDK-8153955   core-libs       increase java.util.logging.FileHandler MAX_LOCKS limit 
JDK-8156536   core-libs       Remove intermittent key from TreeTest.java and move back to tier1 
JDK-8158023   core-libs       SocketExceptions contain too little information sometimes 
JDK-8158504   core-libs       test/sun/util/locale/provider/Bug8038436.java: non English locale(s) i 
JDK-8159616   core-libs       java.time.Instant falls through switch statement 
JDK-8159822   core-libs       Non-synchronized access to shared members of com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Po 
JDK-8159943   core-libs       JavaTimeSupplementary resource bundles need update 
JDK-8160000   core-libs       Runtime.version() cause startup regressions in 9+119 
JDK-8160018   core-libs       (fs) Remove GioFileTypeDetector on Solaris 
JDK-8160218   core-libs       HPack decoder fails when processing header in multiple ByteBuffers 
JDK-8160312   core-libs       ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when comparing strings case insensitive 
JDK-8160370   core-libs       System.getProperty("os.version") returns "Unknown" on Mac 
JDK-8160435   core-libs       Source.baseURL is slow for URLs with unregistered protocol 
JDK-8160439   core-libs       Replace asserts in VarHandle.AccessMode with tests 
JDK-8160457   core-libs       VersionProps.versionNumbers() is broken 
JDK-8160502   core-libs       Problem listing of several http2 tests 
JDK-8160506   core-libs       Use @implSpec tags in javax.lang.model.util 
JDK-8160687   core-libs       (fs) Cannot tell which WatchService test is not deleting temp director 
JDK-8153278   core-svc        sun/tools/jps/TestJpsJar.java fails in hs nightly 
JDK-8156226   core-svc        DiagnosticCommandImpl::invoke throws not very comprehensive message in 
JDK-8155881   docs            JNI Specification for DetachCurrentThread needs modification in relati 
JDK-8026752   hotspot         Cancel MetaspaceGC request for a CMS concurrent collection after GC 
JDK-8072440   hotspot         serviceability/dcmd/ tests timeout 
JDK-8073159   hotspot         improve Test6857159.java 
JDK-8075030   hotspot         JvmtiEnv::GetObjectSize reports incorrect java.lang.Class instance siz 
JDK-8132713   hotspot         Add tests which check that Humongous objects behave as expected after  
JDK-8146416   hotspot         java.lang.OutOfMemoryError triggers: assert(current_bci == 0) failed:  
JDK-8149418   hotspot         AArch64: replace tst+br with tbz instruction when tst's constant opera 
JDK-8149778   hotspot         serviceability/tmtools/jstat/GcCapacityTest.java causes JVM to hang du 
JDK-8149803   hotspot         Adjust lock rankings for some Event-based tracing locks 
JDK-8152271   hotspot         MemberNameTable doesn't purge stale entries 
JDK-8152376   hotspot         [TESTBUG] compiler/floatingpoint/Test15FloatJNIArgs should use run mai 
JDK-8153394   hotspot         Add Unified Logging to make it easy to trace time taken in initPhase2 
JDK-8153858   hotspot         Clean up needed when obtaining the package name from a fully qualified 
JDK-8153876   hotspot         Replace 4K stack allocations with Resource allocations 
JDK-8153994   hotspot         Compiler tests should be correctly marked with @module 
JDK-8154106   hotspot         UL Xlog:help regd'g 'rt' tag 
JDK-8154123   hotspot         remove commented action from jdk/vm/ci/runtime/test/ConstantTest.java  
JDK-8154156   hotspot         PPC64: improve array copy stubs by using vector instructions 
JDK-8155046   hotspot         Parse::Block construction using undefined behavior 
JDK-8155638   hotspot         Resource allocated BitMaps are often cleared twice 
JDK-8156032   hotspot         Clean up parallel GC specific code from vm/gc/shared/preservedMarks.cp 
JDK-8156469   hotspot         [JITtester] Difference in generated golden output when run with Jigsaw 
JDK-8156587   hotspot         [JVMCI] remove Unsafe.getJavaMirror and Unsafe.getKlassPointer 
JDK-8156731   hotspot         aarch64: java/util/Arrays/Correct.java fails due to _generic_arraycopy 
JDK-8156760   hotspot         VM crashes if -XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks is set 
JDK-8156871   hotspot         Possible concurrency issue with JVM_AddModuleExports 
JDK-8157243   hotspot         JMap heap test fail when used with external heap 
JDK-8157292   hotspot         [JVMCI] add missing test files from 8156034 
JDK-8157373   hotspot         Active workers should not be reset in AbstractWorkGang initialize() 
JDK-8157428   hotspot         [JVMCI] remove MemoryAccessProvider.readUnsafeConstant from API 
JDK-8157620   hotspot         Guarantee in run_task(task, num_workers) fails 
JDK-8157821   hotspot         [JITtester] OptionResolver and LiteralFactory use deprecated c-tors 
JDK-8157831   hotspot         JVMCI tests should not be executed on linux-arm32 
JDK-8157842   hotspot         indexOfChar intrinsic is not emitted on x86 
JDK-8157906   hotspot         aarch64: some more integer rotate instructions are never emitted 
JDK-8158000   hotspot         [JVMCI] remove unused ParseClosure class 
JDK-8158033   hotspot         Notify_tracing() misplaced for intended purpose 
JDK-8158065   hotspot         [Jittester]: tests generation has tests generators hardcoded, blocking 
JDK-8158182   hotspot         remove shell script from compiler/c2/6894807/IsInstanceTest.java 
JDK-8158184   hotspot         remove shell from compiler/c2/7070134/Stemmer.java 
JDK-8158185   hotspot         jdk/test/lib/FileInstaller throws NPE if dst is in current directory 
JDK-8158214   hotspot         Crash with "assert(VM_Version::supports_sse4_1()) failed" if UseSSE <  
JDK-8158228   hotspot         C1 incorrectly folds mismatched loads from stable arrays 
JDK-8158237   hotspot         JVMTI hides critical debug information for memory leak tracing 
JDK-8158351   hotspot         [JVMCI] NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/vm/ci/runtime/JVMCI 
JDK-8158412   hotspot         [TESTBUG] TestIHOPErgo and TestStressG1Humongous should not be execute 
JDK-8158681   hotspot         ClassLoader::classloader_type() is called from code not included under 
JDK-8158780   hotspot         [TESTBUG]WideIloadTest can't load main class Iload_w 
JDK-8158913   hotspot         aarch64: SEGV running Spark terasort 
JDK-8158929   hotspot         [TESTBUG] CommitOverlappingRegions.java can not deal with pages > 32K 
JDK-8158985   hotspot         [JVMCI] access to HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.vmEventListeners must be thread  
JDK-8159019   hotspot         ResourceMark in ClassLoader::open_versioned_entry() is being used inco 
JDK-8159045   hotspot         Remove const from methods returning size_t in threadLocalAllocBuffer.h 
JDK-8159056   hotspot         [aix] Compressed class space not allocated in lower regions 
JDK-8159156   hotspot         [TESTBUG] ReserveMemory test is not useful on Aix. 
JDK-8159237   hotspot         PreservedMarks verification code fails 
JDK-8159255   hotspot         [TESTBUG] XpatchJavaBase.java compilation failure 
JDK-8159328   hotspot         [TESTBUG] ProblematicFrameTest.java throws an exception (due to trying 
JDK-8159350   hotspot         G1 String deduplication logging malformed 
JDK-8160565   hotspot         AIX port: cleanup of libo4 wrapper stub, add new structure to libperfs 
JDK-8154209   infrastructure  Remove client VM from default JIB profile on windows-x86 and linux-x86 
JDK-8158763   infrastructure  --disable-hotspot-gtest not working on Solaris 
JDK-8158938   infrastructure  AIX: some more new hotspot build fixes 
JDK-8160285   infrastructure  Bootcycle builds are broken on jdk9/hs for windows i586 
JDK-8160423   infrastructure  Serial build is broken because of missing dependencies for jmod 
JDK-8160505   infrastructure  Automated test runs fail in nashorn because TEST_IMAGE_DIR is set by j 
JDK-8160571   infrastructure  Bootcycle builds still broken with server jvm on Windows 32bit 
JDK-8160722   infrastructure  Module summary generation fails on Windows 32bit 
JDK-8160728   infrastructure  Update compare script to clean baseline 
JDK-8030132   security-libs   Cipher.init syntax error in javadoc @code tag 
JDK-8143302   security-libs   javax/net/ssl/Stapling/SSLSocketWithStapling.java fails intermittently 
JDK-8153948   security-libs   sun/security/mscapi/ShortRSAKey1024.sh fails with "Field length overfl 
JDK-8157707   security-libs   Deprecate the java.security.Certificate API with forRemoval=true 
JDK-8157730   security-libs   Deprecate the java.security.{Identity,IdentityScope,Signer} APIs with  
JDK-8157847   security-libs   Deprecate the java.security.acl API with forRemoval=true 
JDK-8159180   security-libs   Remove default setting for jdk.security.provider.preferred 
JDK-8160222   security-libs   javax/crypto/Cipher.java has a typo 
JDK-8160415   security-libs   Mark sun/security/tools/keytool/standard.sh as intermittently failing 
JDK-8160658   security-libs   sun/security/tools/keytool/standard.sh fails on all platforms after JD 
JDK-8114827   tools           JDK 9 multi-release enabled jar tool  
JDK-8132446   tools           AsssertionError in ClassSymbol.setAnnotationType 
JDK-8143640   tools           Showing incorrect result while passing specific argument in the Java l 
JDK-8145418   tools           [macosx] Help message for -Xdock:name has a superfluous trailing quote 
JDK-8148131   tools           compilation result depends on order of sources 
JDK-8155026   tools           javac grants implied readability to explicit modules 
JDK-8159111   tools           JShell API: Add access to wrappers and dependencies 
JDK-8159439   tools           javac throws NPE with Module attribute and super_class != 0 
JDK-8159596   tools           Add java --dry-run 
JDK-8159635   tools           JShell API: Add compiler options 
JDK-8159970   tools           javac, JLS8 18.2.4 is not completely implemented by the compiler 
JDK-8160301   tools           javadoc RootDoclmpl and DocEnv needs to be renamed 
JDK-8160346   tools           JLinkTest.java should compute exact number of plugins from jdk.jlink m 
JDK-8160459   tools           jlink minor code clean up 
JDK-8160504   tools           Fix typo in JavacProcessingEnvironment.importStringToPattern 
JDK-8160641   tools           PostProcessingPlugin and ExecutableImage should not be part of plugin  
JDK-8160698   tools           java --dry-run should not cause main class be initialized 
JDK-8156598   xml             Use more informative format for problem list 

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