jdk9-b124: dev
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Jun 22 20:16:51 UTC 2016
All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
List of all fixes:
JDK-4957035 client-libs Code given in api is not compilable: docs/api/javax/print/package-summ
JDK-6212751 client-libs DOC: ServiceUI.printDialog() need to enhance the description for X,Y c
JDK-6477756 client-libs GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations() is slow taking 3 or more seconds
JDK-6509729 client-libs javax.print.ServiceUI.printDialog Border/Margin Evaluation is bugged
JDK-6529030 client-libs Java Printing: Print range > Selection gets enabled
JDK-6587251 client-libs "noreg-cleanup" Import declaration not used in sun.java2d.*
JDK-6827800 client-libs Default button is activated even when it is invisible
JDK-6842011 client-libs StackOverflowError printing landscape with scale and transform.
JDK-6882559 client-libs new JEditorPane("text/plain","") fails for null context class loader
JDK-7070795 client-libs High contrast colour scheme fails to be applied to JFormattedTextField
JDK-7172749 client-libs Xrender: Class cast exception in 2D code running an AWT regression tes
JDK-7172750 client-libs Nimbus ScrollBar:ScrollBarThumb[Pressed].backgroundPainter is never in
JDK-8028486 client-libs java/awt/Window/WindowsLeak/WindowsLeak.java fails
JDK-8041694 client-libs JFileChooser removes trailing spaces in the selected directory name
JDK-8046031 client-libs UI of Java Web Start app isn't updated when changing Windows theme
JDK-8057574 client-libs inconsistent behavior for setBackground (Windows/Linux)
JDK-8074829 client-libs Resolve disabled warnings for libawt_headless
JDK-8078268 client-libs javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript incorrectly optimized
JDK-8078382 client-libs Wrong glyph is displayed for a derived font
JDK-8132771 client-libs [TEST_BUG][macosx] Test javax/swing/JTree/DnD/LastNodeLowerHalfDrop.ja
JDK-8132973 client-libs @BeanProperty: what is the correct output in case of repeating annotat
JDK-8133731 client-libs [TEST_BUG] Unmappable in ASCII character such as Thai should be escape
JDK-8136366 client-libs Add a public API to create a L&F without installation
JDK-8136998 client-libs JComboBox prevents wheel mouse scrolling of JScrollPane
JDK-8139192 client-libs Custom ImageFilters return blank images in Java 8(.45) while working i
JDK-8139218 client-libs Dialog that opens and closes quickly changes focus in original focusow
JDK-8144161 client-libs [TESTBUG] [macosx] Test javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup/7072653
JDK-8145284 client-libs [Documentation] [TextField] Missing new line character handling
JDK-8146313 client-libs The java.beans.Statement.invoke() method handles 3-arg Class.forName i
JDK-8146319 client-libs JEditorPane function setPage leaves a file lock
JDK-8147521 client-libs [macosx] Internal API Usage: setPopupType used to force creation of he
JDK-8147842 client-libs IME Composition Window is displayed at incorrect location
JDK-8148915 client-libs Intermittent failures of bug6400879.java
JDK-8151015 client-libs JTextArea.insert() does not behave as expected with invalid position
JDK-8152981 client-libs Double icons with JMenuItem setHorizontalTextPosition on Win 10
JDK-8153184 client-libs BorderLayout javadoc says current version of JDK is 1.2
JDK-8153282 client-libs [TEST_BUG] some new JInternalFrame tests fail
JDK-8154431 client-libs Allow source and target based validation for the focus transfer betwee
JDK-8154860 client-libs ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName() fails when jai_imageio is in the
JDK-8155103 client-libs [TEST_BUG] @BeanProperty: unwanted "declaringClass" descriptor when an
JDK-8156043 client-libs Unstable behavior of PropertyDescriptor's getWriteMethod() in case of
JDK-8156116 client-libs [macosx] two JNI locals to delete in AWTWindow.m, CGraphicsEnv.m
JDK-8156121 client-libs "Fail forward" fails for GTK3 if no GTK2 available
JDK-8156169 client-libs Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization
JDK-8156579 client-libs Two JavaBeans tests failed
JDK-8156580 client-libs Make TIFFTagSet subclasses final
JDK-8156583 client-libs Typo in the spec of javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding.toString(
JDK-8156894 client-libs Cleanup of sun.java2d.pipe.Region
JDK-8157163 client-libs AWT FileDialog does not inherit icon image from parent Frame
JDK-8157320 client-libs The CheckboxMenuItem can not be selected
JDK-8157322 client-libs Several typos in javadoc
JDK-8157339 client-libs Further stabilization for the SwingSet client sanity tests.
JDK-8158072 client-libs Need a test for JDK-7172749
JDK-8158178 client-libs java.awt.SplashScreen.getSize() returns incorrect size for high dpi sp
JDK-8158230 client-libs [macosx] ActionEvent is not fired for menu item with option apple.laf.
JDK-8158358 client-libs [TEST_BUG] test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/8147521/PopupMenuTest.java: com
JDK-8158408 client-libs Font2DTest demo needs to use FontPanel resolution matching the screen
JDK-8158495 client-libs CCE: sun.java2d.NullSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.opengl.OG
JDK-8158520 client-libs [TEST_BUG] java/awt/PrintJob/PrinterException.java fails on timeout
JDK-8159690 client-libs [TESTBUG] Mark headful tests with @key headful.
JDK-8039955 core-libs [TESTBUG] jdk/lambda/LambdaTranslationTest1 - java.lang.AssertionError
JDK-8043387 core-libs java/time/test/java/util/TestFormatter.java failed.
JDK-8066070 core-libs PriorityQueue corrupted when adding non-Comparable
JDK-8068764 core-libs java/lang/ClassLoader/ExtDirs.java failed with java.lang.IllegalThread
JDK-8071859 core-libs AnnotationInvocationHandler.equals(Object) return true when apply to a
JDK-8072582 core-libs Scanner delimits incorrectly when delimiter spans a buffer boundary
JDK-8135061 core-libs java.util.Locale#lookup throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsExcepti
JDK-8139414 core-libs java.util.Scanner hasNext() returns true, next() throws NoSuchElementE
JDK-8140449 core-libs (fs) Paths.get("x").relativize("") return ..\ on Windows
JDK-8150219 core-libs ReferenceError in 1.8.0_72
JDK-8155808 core-libs Process.getInputStream().skip() method is faulty
JDK-8156614 core-libs Lazy parsing of ES6 shorthand method syntax is broken
JDK-8157045 core-libs NPE during websocket communication with wss
JDK-8158253 core-libs Collections: Implement a noop clear() for EmptyList, EmptyMap and Empt
JDK-8158456 core-libs ModuleDescriptor.read does not verify dependence on java.base in modul
JDK-8158855 core-libs Fix remaining module dependences in java/lang
JDK-8159248 core-libs ModuleFinder.of not clear that FindException thrown if module descript
JDK-8159330 core-libs Improve deprecation text for Class.newInstance
JDK-8159351 core-libs non-atomic "bulk" ops note in class javadoc for ConcurrentLinkedQueue,
JDK-8159420 core-libs The LanguageRange.parse() method is throwing IllegalArgumentException
JDK-8159530 core-libs recent compiler change results in compile error in JapaneseDate.java
JDK-8159630 core-libs Add new test for jdk.internal.misc.VM::getRuntimeArguments
JDK-8159745 core-libs Remove java.net.Parts
JDK-8159762 core-libs Some minor test bugs in java/lang/module/ModuleDescriptorTest.java
JDK-8159785 core-libs Add test that tests ClassLoader.getResource/getResources in Multi-Rele
JDK-8159821 core-libs "PrimitiveStream.iterateFinite" methods contain incorrect code sample
JDK-8156537 core-svc Tools using MonitoredVmUtil do not parse module in cmdline correctly
JDK-6510995 deploy Resources with download="lazy" are eagerly updated
JDK-8144348 deploy Desktop shortcut is not updated after JNLP is changed in deployment ca
JDK-8153077 deploy Allow -XaddExports be specified via the java-vm-args attribute
JDK-8153800 deploy Revamped JCP: General Tab
JDK-8155076 deploy Webstart loads JARs from MANIFEST.MF after loading the jars from resou
JDK-8155785 deploy Add @Deprecated annotations to the Applet API classes
JDK-8156672 deploy "javaws.exe -viewer" does not open Java Cache Viewer for new JCP
JDK-8156673 deploy Fix "Advanced -> Configurations" for new JCP
JDK-8156822 deploy Application started using javaws now starts in {java.home} rather than
JDK-8157238 deploy Nothing could be saved in tab Update in new FX JCP.
JDK-8157337 deploy Allow always checkbox in security dialog when jnlp location is unknown
JDK-8157340 deploy new JCP: cannot import certificate file into user trusted cacerts file
JDK-8157342 deploy new JCP: cannot remove certificates from user trust store
JDK-8157692 deploy Need Test : JDK-8041798
JDK-8157694 deploy Need test JDK-8068707
JDK-8157785 deploy Signed JWS application unexpectedly asks for permission to open a sock
JDK-8158187 deploy At step4.It always shows a blank page after loading the applet for a w
JDK-8158201 deploy It always shows a 404 error page after loading the applet.
JDK-8158202 deploy [TEST_BUG]at step2,the title of security dialog is not "Security Infor
JDK-8158208 deploy Update CLSIDScenarios/TestAppletLaunchUsingOlderCLSID.html with more
JDK-8158216 deploy At step 3:There's no 'Update Now' after going to JCP/Update tab
JDK-8158627 deploy [TEST_BUG]At step 3,there is no the dllinject.dll file in the given di
JDK-8158817 docs add documentation for NativeMath
JDK-8155918 globalization JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - JDK
JDK-8157775 globalization JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - JAXP
JDK-8157776 globalization JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - Corba
JDK-8157778 globalization JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - Langto
JDK-8138705 hotspot Kitchen sink stress test fails
JDK-8152239 hotspot hotspot/test/gc/TestSmallHeap.java failed in jdk9
JDK-8152404 hotspot Stabilize PackageEntry::package_exports_do
JDK-8154750 hotspot Add missing OrderAccess operations to ClassLoaderData lock-free data s
JDK-8155009 hotspot [TESTBUG] jstack subtest of BasicLauncherTest should not be executed u
JDK-8155936 hotspot Boolean value should be set 1/0 or true/false via VM.set_flag jcmd
JDK-8156923 hotspot [ppc] Implement "JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections".
JDK-8157189 hotspot 'iload_w' in shared class is not interpreted correctly
JDK-8157954 hotspot [TESTBUG] G1 tests fail with defined MaxGCPauseMillis
JDK-8157317 infrastructure Remove bundle target logic from install makefiles
JDK-8158992 infrastructure langtools/test/Makefile: improve support for control via variables
JDK-8156895 install ent msi does not have double-click support
JDK-6968542 security-libs keytool -importcert cannot deal with duplicate certs
JDK-8027781 security-libs New jarsigner timestamp warning is grammatically incorrect
JDK-8146619 security-libs Re-examine supportness of public classes in com.sun.security.auth.**
JDK-8150966 security-libs Typo in javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP_AGAI
JDK-8154191 security-libs Deprivilege java.smartcardio module
JDK-8156471 security-libs test/sun/security/krb5/auto/TestHosts should not be modified in-place
JDK-8157387 security-libs StrongSecureRandom.java timeout after push for JDK-8141039
JDK-8157489 security-libs AppleProvider in java.base/macosx/classes/module-info.java.extra
JDK-8157848 security-libs Mark deprecated javax.security.auth.Policy API with forRemoval=true
JDK-8157881 security-libs security.provider property description needs to be updated for modules
JDK-8158633 security-libs BASE64 encoded cert not correctly parsed with UTF-16
JDK-8159038 security-libs javax/net/ssl/SSLSession/SessionCacheSizeTests.java failed with java.n
JDK-8159501 security-libs ShortRSAKey512.java intermittently times out
JDK-8159502 security-libs Mark ShortRSAKey512.java as intermittently failing
JDK-8159805 security-libs sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/NoTimestampTest.java fails after
JDK-8058244 tools missing error in qualified default super call
JDK-8059631 tools Use of '#' to represent MethodHandle kind is confusing
JDK-8065831 tools Ensure the pack200/unpack200 help is consistent with man page
JDK-8068460 tools Pretty printing for loops
JDK-8158272 tools IncludeLocalesPluginTest.java fails with timeout
JDK-8158468 tools tools/jlink/plugins/IncludeLocalesPluginTest.java doesn't detect test
JDK-8158836 tools langtools build.xml needs some adjustments
JDK-8159206 tools All jlink tests failing
JDK-8159396 tools javadoc getSupportedVersion returns 8 instead of 9
JDK-8159524 tools jdeps -jdkinternals throws NPE when no replacement is known
JDK-8159680 tools Inference failure with unchecked subtyping and arrays
JDK-8159749 tools Update toolbox ModuleBuilder for doc comments
JDK-8159756 tools javadoc tests needs a tool invoker
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