jdk9-b120: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed May 25 18:21:05 UTC 2016



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-6384991   client-libs     TrayIcon ActionListener called at wrong time 
JDK-6421058   client-libs     When calls JSpinner.setEditor() the font in a JSpinner become is a bol 
JDK-6729836   client-libs     JavaSound treats large file sizes as negative and cannot read or skip 
JDK-7124381   client-libs     DragSourceListener.dragDropEnd() never been called on completion of dn 
JDK-8017112   client-libs     JTabbedPane components have inconsistent accessibility tree 
JDK-8027324   client-libs     The spec for Toolkit.setDynamicLayout() and Toolkit.isDynamicLayoutAct 
JDK-8039444   client-libs     Swing applications not being displayed properly 
JDK-8047931   client-libs     Remove unused medialib code 
JDK-8137137   client-libs     [macosx] The native dialog doesn't have 'close'(X) button on Mac OS. 
JDK-8143346   client-libs     Broken link in java.beans.XMLEncoder 
JDK-8151136   client-libs     [macosx] According to the description,the case is failed 
JDK-8151786   client-libs     [TESTBUG] java/beans/XMLEncoder/Test4625418.java timed out intermitten 
JDK-8152492   client-libs      [macosx swing] double key event actions when using Mac menubar 
JDK-8152677   client-libs     [macosx] All files filter can't be selected in JFileChooser 
JDK-8154328   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] java/awt/TrayIcon/ActionEventTest/ActionEventTest.java 
JDK-8154539   client-libs     Examine the desktop module's use of sun.misc.SoftCache 
JDK-8154546   client-libs     Retire sun.misc.GThreadHelper 
JDK-8155021   client-libs     [TEST] create one more inheritance test for @BeanProperty 
JDK-8155071   client-libs     AppletViewer should print the deprecation warning that the Applet API  
JDK-8155682   client-libs     Get rid of legacy Windows Flags for DX 
JDK-8155742   client-libs     [Windows] robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH) throws java.lang.Illeg 
JDK-8155772   client-libs     gtk3_interface.c compilation error on Ubuntu 12.10 
JDK-8156128   client-libs     Tests for [AWT/Swing] Conditional support for GTK 3 on Linux 
JDK-8156459   client-libs     SimpleCMYKColorSpace serialVersionUID is inappropriate 
JDK-8156581   client-libs     Cleanup of ProblemList.txt 
JDK-4851777   core-libs       Add BigDecimal sqrt method 
JDK-5100935   core-libs       No way to access the 64-bit integer multiplication of 64-bit CPUs effi 
JDK-6415644   core-libs       Make javax.lang.model.SourceVersion more informative 
JDK-7102969   core-libs       currency.properties supercede not working correctly 
JDK-8023217   core-libs       Additional floorDiv/floorMod/multiplyExact methods for java.lang.Math 
JDK-8029891   core-libs        Deadlock detected in java/lang/ClassLoader/deadlock/GetResource.java 
JDK-8066229   core-libs       Fuzzing bug: Can't find scope depth 
JDK-8130023   core-libs       API java.util.stream: explicitly specify guaranteed execution of the p 
JDK-8130679   core-libs       Writer/StringWriter.write methods do not specify index out bounds 
JDK-8143282   core-libs       \p{Cn} unassigned code points should be included in \p{C} 
JDK-8143923   core-libs       java.net socket supportedOptions set depends on call order 
JDK-8147039   core-libs       Incorrect locals and operands in compiled frames 
JDK-8147588   core-libs       Jar file and Zip file not removed in spite of the OPEN_DELETE flag 
JDK-8148604   core-libs       JEP 280, Switch to more optimal concatenation strategy 
JDK-8148834   core-libs       Update module-info reader/writer to 53.0 
JDK-8149452   core-libs       j.t.SimpleDateFormat.getDateFormatSymbols().getZoneStrings() returns i 
JDK-8149521   core-libs       automatic discovery of LDAP servers with Kerberos authentication 
JDK-8149574   core-libs       Fix java/lang/invoke/MethodHandleImpl's use of Unsafe.defineAnonymousC 
JDK-8150179   core-libs       Static build of libzip is missing JNI_OnLoad_zip entry point 
JDK-8150785   core-libs       (bf) Hoist slice and duplicate methods up to java.nio.Buffer 
JDK-8150921   core-libs       Update Unsafe getters/setters to use double-register variants 
JDK-8152650   core-libs       ModuleFinder.compose should accept varargs 
JDK-8154192   core-libs       Deprivilege java.scripting module 
JDK-8155086   core-libs       Replace usage of -Djdk.launcher.limitmods in tests with -limitmods 
JDK-8155088   core-libs       Fix module dependencies in java/sql/* and javax/* tests 
JDK-8155739   core-libs       [TESTBUG] VarHandles/Unsafe tests for weakCAS should allow spurious fa 
JDK-8155794   core-libs       Move Objects.checkIndex BiFunction accepting methods to an internal pa 
JDK-8156485   core-libs       MethodHandles.varHandleExactInvoker should perform exact checks 
JDK-8156807   core-libs       Pack200 must support v53.0 class files 
JDK-8156825   core-libs       java/net/httpclient/BasicWebSocketAPITest.java failed with "java.lang. 
JDK-8156847   core-libs       jdk.dynalink package is shown under "Other Packages" section 
JDK-8156915   core-libs       introduce MethodHandle factory for array length 
JDK-8156972   core-libs       java/lang/reflect/Layer/LayerAndLoadersTest.java test requires jdk.com 
JDK-8156989   core-libs       Trailing empty element in classpath ignored 
JDK-8157011   core-libs       Problem list tools/pack200/TestNormal.java 
JDK-8157068   core-libs       ExceptionInInitializerError if images build patched to use exploded ve 
JDK-8157069   core-libs       Assorted ZipFile improvements 
JDK-8157105   core-libs       HTTP/2 client hangs in blocking mode if an invalid frame has been rece 
JDK-8157107   core-libs       HTTP/2 client may fail with NPE if additional logging enabled 
JDK-8157138   core-libs       Error while fetching currency instance by Currency.getInstance(currenc 
JDK-8157152   core-libs       Atomic add for VarHandle byte[]/ByteBuffer views is incorrect for endi 
JDK-8157154   core-libs       jmod jlink properties file need copyright header 
JDK-8157160   core-libs       JSON.stringify does not work on ScriptObjectMirror objects 
JDK-8157171   core-libs       Hook up Unsafe.weakCompareAndSetVolatile to VarHandles 
JDK-8157225   core-libs       adopt method handle for array length getter in BeanLinker 
JDK-8157239   core-libs       java/lang/invoke/VarHandles/ tests fail by timeout with -Xcomp with la 
JDK-8157241   core-libs       Remove javac warnings of Nashorn "ant clean test"  
JDK-8157250   core-libs       BeanLinker assumes fixed array type linkage 
JDK-8157263   core-libs       Octane svn repository no longer exists 
JDK-8157290   core-libs       jdk/modules/scenarios/overlappingpackages/OverlappingPackagesTest.java 
JDK-8157310   core-libs       jdk.dynalink.linker.support.Lookup should have more checks before addi 
JDK-8157437   core-libs       Typos in Stream JavaDoc 
JDK-8157444   core-libs       exclude jjs shebang handling test from runs 
JDK-8157449   core-libs       Adjust link-time generated Species classes to match JDK-8148604 usage 
JDK-8157487   core-libs       Mark ZoneId.java as intermittently failing 
JDK-8157499   core-libs       Mark several tests from jdk_net as intermittently failing 
JDK-8157502   core-libs       make docs broken after JDK-5100935 
JDK-8157527   core-libs       Replace @since 1.9 with @since 9 on new math methods 
JDK-8157590   core-libs       MethodHandles.arrayLength() lacks @since tag, implementation throws wr 
JDK-8157598   core-libs       ModuleReader find returns incorrect URI when modular JAR is a multi-re 
JDK-8157613   core-libs       Internal documentation improvements to ZipFile.java 
JDK-8139982   core-svc        Re-examine java.management dependency on java.util.logging.LoggingMXBe 
JDK-8145278   core-svc        Memory leak in splitPathList 
JDK-8150725   core-svc        JDWP specification: referenceTypeID size needs clarification 
JDK-8152847   core-svc        JDI use of sun.boot.class.path needs to be updated for Jigsaw 
JDK-8154144   core-svc        Tests in com/sun/jdi fails intermittently with "jdb input stream close 
JDK-8154166   core-svc        java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ResetPeakMemoryUsage.java fails with 
JDK-8154529   core-svc        some places in the invoke.c that use InvokeRequest* not protected with 
JDK-8154985   core-svc        Add the ability to use main class as lookup (as jcmd) to jinfo, jmap,  
JDK-8155091   core-svc        Remove SA related functions from tmtools 
JDK-8156769   core-svc        gc/metaspace/CompressedClassSpaceSizeInJmapHeap.java fails with java.l 
JDK-8154899   deploy          System property 'user.dir' now set to 'java.home' value rather than us 
JDK-8155796   deploy          NPE showing icons in deploy FX dialogs when relaunching into JDK8 
JDK-8155835   deploy          FXUIToolkit.showFileChooser() fails when jre is below 7u21 
JDK-8155837   deploy          FXUIToolkit.showSandboxSecurityDialog fails when running jre below 7u2 
JDK-8155849   deploy          FXUIToolkit.showMessageDialog() fails when running jre below 7u55 
JDK-8156857   deploy          JDK9 can't run applets 
JDK-8156875   deploy          Rename strings for new JCP 
JDK-8157622   deploy          Add @Deprecated annotations to the Applet API classes 
JDK-6858051   hotspot         Create GC worker threads dynamically 
JDK-6941938   hotspot         Improve array equals intrinsic on SPARC 
JDK-7008275   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Remove closed/runtime/4433658/Test4433658.sh 
JDK-8017629   hotspot         G1: UseSHM in combination with a G1HeapRegionSize > os::large_page_siz 
JDK-8047328   hotspot         Improve memory usage for cards in SparsePRTEntry 
JDK-8054326   hotspot         Confusing message in "Current rem set statistics" 
JDK-8067785   hotspot         Using AlwaysPreTouch does not always touch all pages 
JDK-8072428   hotspot         Enable UseLoopCounter ergonomically if on-stack-replacement is enabled 
JDK-8072921   hotspot         -Xincgc should be removed from output 
JDK-8079843   hotspot         do_young_space_rescan - comment out of sync with code 
JDK-8086057   hotspot         Crash with "modified node is not on IGVN._worklist" when running with  
JDK-8086068   hotspot         VM crashes with "-Xint -XX:+UseCompiler" options 
JDK-8132710   hotspot         Add tests  which check  that Humongous objects behave as expected afte 
JDK-8132712   hotspot         Add tests  which check  that Humongous objects behave as expected afte 
JDK-8132718   hotspot         Add tests which check that when humongous classloader object becomes u 
JDK-8134918   hotspot         C2: Type speculation produces mismatched unsafe accesses 
JDK-8135200   hotspot         Add White Box method that enumerates G1 old regions with less than spe 
JDK-8138607   hotspot         gc/g1/mixedgc/TestLogging.java - G1 Evacuation Pause missing from outp 
JDK-8138861   hotspot         C2 complains about unreasonably large method running Octane zlib in Na 
JDK-8140354   hotspot         [TESTBUG] compiler control test cause 'OutOfMemoryError: Java heap spa 
JDK-8141496   hotspot         BitMap set operations copy their other BitMap argument 
JDK-8141501   hotspot         Problems with BitMap buffer management 
JDK-8142464   hotspot         [TESTBUG] PlatformLoggerTest.java throws java.lang.RuntimeException: L 
JDK-8143921   hotspot         nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/waitingThreads/waitingthreads003 fails with JV 
JDK-8145934   hotspot         Make ttyLocker equivalent for Unified Logging framework 
JDK-8146948   hotspot         Enable listing of LogTagSets and add support for LogTagSet description 
JDK-8147026   hotspot         Convert an assert in ClassLoaderData to a guarantee  
JDK-8147844   hotspot         new method j.l.Thread.onSpinWait() and the corresponding x86 hotspot i 
JDK-8148195   hotspot         Some InstanceKlass and MethodCounters fields can be excluded when JVMT 
JDK-8148244   hotspot         Finalize and integrate GTest implementation 
JDK-8149374   hotspot         Replace C1-specific collection classes with universal collection class 
JDK-8149442   hotspot         MonitorInUseLists should be on by default, deflate idle monitors takin 
JDK-8149488   hotspot         Incorrect declaration of bitsInByte in regmask.cpp 
JDK-8149591   hotspot         Prepare hotspot for GTest 
JDK-8149977   hotspot         DumpLoadedClassList should not include generated classes 
JDK-8150247   hotspot         CompilerControl: LogCompilation testing 
JDK-8150393   hotspot         Maintain the set of survivor regions in an array between GCs 
JDK-8150607   hotspot         Clean up CompactHashtable 
JDK-8150721   hotspot         Don't explicitly manage G1 young regions in YoungList 
JDK-8150865   hotspot         SQE test: GC unified logging: check that dynamic log level  doesn't br 
JDK-8150994   hotspot         UseParallelGC fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads with specjbb2005 
JDK-8151066   hotspot         assert(0 <= i && i < length()) failed: index out of bounds 
JDK-8151268   hotspot         Wire up the x86 _vectorizedMismatch stub routine in C1  
JDK-8151342   hotspot         Add module name/version to class histogram output 
JDK-8151526   hotspot         Print -Xlog configuration in the hs_err_pid file 
JDK-8151556   hotspot         Use the PreservedMarks* classes for the G1 preserved mark stacks 
JDK-8151708   hotspot         C1 FastTLABRefill can allocate TLABs past the end of the heap 
JDK-8151880   hotspot         EnqueueMethodForCompilationTest.java still fails to compile method  
JDK-8151956   hotspot         CodeBlob ctor virtual call on partially constructed subclass 
JDK-8152554   hotspot         CompactStrings broken on AArch64 
JDK-8152590   hotspot         C2: @Stable support doesn't always work w/ incremental inlining 
JDK-8152664   hotspot         Support non-continuous CodeBlobs in HotSpot 
JDK-8152844   hotspot         JVM InstanceKlass Methods For Obtaining Package/Module Should Be Moved 
JDK-8152903   hotspot         [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::resolveMethod should correctly handle private me 
JDK-8152907   hotspot         Update for x86 tan and log10 in the math lib 
JDK-8152949   hotspot         Jigsaw crash when Klass in _fixup_module_field_list is unloaded 
JDK-8153013   hotspot         BlockingCompilation test times out 
JDK-8153073   hotspot         UL: Set filesize option with k/m/g 
JDK-8153115   hotspot         Move private interface check to linktime 
JDK-8153165   hotspot         Fix MX tool config script to make the tool work with TESTNG 
JDK-8153170   hotspot         Card Live Data does not correctly handle eager reclaim 
JDK-8153190   hotspot         JVMTI GetAllModules should make it clear that it also returns unnamed  
JDK-8153265   hotspot         [TESTBUG] compiler/whitebox/ForceNMethodSweepTest should not assume as 
JDK-8153267   hotspot         nmethod's exception cache not multi-thread safe 
JDK-8153275   hotspot         Zero JVM fails to initialize after JDK-8152440 
JDK-8153292   hotspot         AllocateInstancePrefetchLines>AllocatePrefetchLines can trigger out-of 
JDK-8153310   hotspot         AArch64: JEP 254: Implement byte_array_inflate and char_array_compress 
JDK-8153340   hotspot         Disallow misconfiguration and improve the consistency of allocation pr 
JDK-8153357   hotspot         C2 creates incorrect cast after eliminating phi with unique input 
JDK-8153439   hotspot         do not install an empty SpeculationLog in an nmethod 
JDK-8153503   hotspot         Move remset scan iteration claim to remset local data structure 
JDK-8153507   hotspot         Improve Card Table Clear Task 
JDK-8153514   hotspot         Whitebox API should allow compilation of <clinit> 
JDK-8153527   hotspot         break_tty_lock_for_safepoint causes "assert(false) failed: bad tag in  
JDK-8153535   hotspot         Convert TraceRedefineClasses to Unified Logging 
JDK-8153549   hotspot         [TESTBUG] remove obsolete runtime/SharedArchiveFile/BasicJarBuilder 
JDK-8153655   hotspot         TESTBUG: intrinsics tests must be updated to enable diagnostic options 
JDK-8153713   hotspot         aarch64: improve short array clearing using store pair 
JDK-8153749   hotspot         New capability can_generate_early_class_hook_events 
JDK-8153756   hotspot         jdk.vm.ci should not depend on sun.misc ( jdk.unsupported module ) 
JDK-8153764   hotspot         Add auxiliary method that generates class by class prototype to gc tes 
JDK-8153797   hotspot         aarch64: Add Arrays.fill stub code 
JDK-8153818   hotspot         Move similar CompiledIC platform specific code to shared code. 
JDK-8153835   hotspot         Fix range of flag MaxDirectMemorySize which is parsed at jlong. 
JDK-8153852   hotspot         [jittester] move TypeUtil to utils package 
JDK-8153885   hotspot         [TESTBUG] few regression tests failed after 8151880 changes 
JDK-8153892   hotspot         Handle unsafe access error directly in signal handler instead of going 
JDK-8153998   hotspot         Masked vector post loops 
JDK-8154041   hotspot         JVMTI trace to Unified Logging 
JDK-8154059   hotspot         JVMTI ObjectTagging to UL 
JDK-8154073   hotspot         Several compiler tests fail when are executed with C1 only 
JDK-8154110   hotspot         Update class* and safepoint* logging subsystems 
JDK-8154135   hotspot         Loop alignment may be added inside the loop body 
JDK-8154141   hotspot         [TESTBUG] test/gc/g1/TestRegionLivenessPrint.java misses -XX:+UnlockDi 
JDK-8154145   hotspot         Missing klass/method name in stack traces on error 
JDK-8154151   hotspot         VM crashes with assert "Ensure we don't compile before compilebroker i 
JDK-8154153   hotspot         PS: Restore preserved marks in parallel 
JDK-8154154   hotspot         Separate G1 specific policy code from the CollectorPolicy class hierar 
JDK-8154172   hotspot         C1: NPE is thrown instead of linkage error when invoking nonexistent m 
JDK-8154174   hotspot         improve JitTester performance 
JDK-8154210   hotspot         Zero: Better byte behaviour 
JDK-8154235   hotspot         Using deprecated flags converted to UL shows wrong hint 
JDK-8154258   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Various serviceability tests fail compilation 
JDK-8154280   hotspot         Zero build fails with undeclared G1LastPLABAverageOccupancy 
JDK-8154341   hotspot         [TESTBUG] G1 stress test for humongous objects allocation 
JDK-8154379   hotspot         MIN_STACK_SHADOW_PAGES should equal DEFAULT_STACK_SHADOW_PAGES on aarc 
JDK-8154452   hotspot         Deferred cleanups after split of G1CollectorPolicy code 
JDK-8154457   hotspot         runtime/SharedArchiveFile/SharedStrings Shared string table stats miss 
JDK-8154467   hotspot         Cleanup initialization of GCPolicyCounters 
JDK-8154483   hotspot         update IGV with improvements from Graal 
JDK-8154495   hotspot         Update for x86 SHA256 using AVX2 
JDK-8154537   hotspot         AArch64: some integer rotate instructions are never emitted 
JDK-8154566   hotspot         os_linux.cpp parse_os_info gives non descriptive output on current SLE 
JDK-8154580   hotspot         Save mirror in interpreter frame to enable cleanups of CLDClosure 
JDK-8154710   hotspot         [Solaris] Investigate use of in-memory low-resolution timestamps for J 
JDK-8154715   hotspot         Missing destructor and/or TLS clearing calls for terminating threads 
JDK-8154719   hotspot         JvmtiBreakpoint rename method print() to print_on() 
JDK-8154728   hotspot         JvmtiExport::add_default_read_edges hits a guarantee 
JDK-8154739   hotspot         AArch64: TemplateTable::fast_xaccess loads in wrong mode 
JDK-8154743   hotspot         Internal Error: psParallelCompact.hpp assert(addr >= _region_start) fa 
JDK-8154745   hotspot         Move default G1 pause time target setup to argument parsing 
JDK-8154752   hotspot         Cleanup initialization of G1Policy 
JDK-8154753   hotspot         Turn G1Policy into an interface 
JDK-8154759   hotspot         [TESTBUG] GC tests should be changed to be able to execute with -Xlog: 
JDK-8154763   hotspot         Crash with "assert(RangeCheckElimination)" if RangeCheckElimination is 
JDK-8154794   hotspot         Add support for experimental fields/events to event-based tracing 
JDK-8154826   hotspot         AArch64: take better advantage of base + shifted offset addressing mod 
JDK-8154836   hotspot         VM crash due to "Base pointers must match" 
JDK-8154838   hotspot         G1CardLiveData::free_large_bitmap() uses wrong calculation to determin 
JDK-8154843   hotspot         GC tests should be correctly marked with @module 
JDK-8154896   hotspot         xml.transform fails intermittently on SKX 
JDK-8154921   hotspot         Fix aix after "8146879: Add option for handling existing log files in  
JDK-8154939   hotspot         8153998 broke vectorization on aarch64 
JDK-8154942   hotspot         Remove ProcessTools.getVmInputArguments() from the hotspot test librar 
JDK-8154943   hotspot         AArch64: redundant address computation instructions with vectorization 
JDK-8154946   hotspot         Change flag -XX:+UseDeterministicGC to -XX:+UseDeterministicG1GC 
JDK-8154955   hotspot         Negative Other Time in gc logs due to 'Wait for Root Region Scan' not  
JDK-8154957   hotspot         AArch64: Better byte behavior 
JDK-8154974   hotspot         AVX-512 equipped inflate, has_negatives & compress intrinsics 
JDK-8154975   hotspot         Update for vectorizedMismatch with AVX512 
JDK-8154976   hotspot         UseSharedSpaces error message is incomplete 
JDK-8154996   hotspot         [aix] Implement compare_file_modified_times for "8146879: Add option . 
JDK-8155015   hotspot         Aarch64: bad assert in spill generation code 
JDK-8155034   hotspot         [TESTBUG] ctw tests fail to compile:  module  reads package sun.reflec 
JDK-8155082   hotspot         Refactor mutator region restriction 
JDK-8155085   hotspot         [ppc] Fix Type-O in "8154580: Save mirror in interpreter frame..." 
JDK-8155087   hotspot         Calculation in other_time_ms() is incorrect 
JDK-8155089   hotspot         UL: Remove trailing comma from log decoration list 
JDK-8155092   hotspot         [TESTBUG] TestHumongousClassLoader.java needs UnlockDiagnosticVMOption 
JDK-8155100   hotspot         AArch64: Relax alignment requirement for byte_map_base 
JDK-8155162   hotspot         java.util.zip.CRC32C Interpreter/C1 intrinsics support on SPARC 
JDK-8155163   hotspot         JVMCI: MethodHandleAccessProvider.resolveInvokeBasicTarget implementat 
JDK-8155206   hotspot         Internal VM test DirectiveParser_test is too verbose 
JDK-8155209   hotspot         Move setting of young index in cset to G1CollectionSet 
JDK-8155224   hotspot         Bring back version control history to g1Policy.hpp and g1DefaultPolicy 
JDK-8155229   hotspot         Tune thread usage for live data clearing 
JDK-8155230   hotspot         Tune thread usage for mark bitmap clear 
JDK-8155232   hotspot         Augment Workgang to run task with a given number of threads 
JDK-8155233   hotspot         Lazy coarse map clear 
JDK-8155239   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Simple test setup for JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook 
JDK-8155244   hotspot         JVMCI: MemoryAccessProvider.readUnsafeConstant javadoc should be updat 
JDK-8155245   hotspot         Add logging when MMU target is violated 
JDK-8155257   hotspot         ParNew/CMS: Clean up promoted object tracking 
JDK-8155524   hotspot         HotCardCache shouldn't be part of ConcurrentG1Refine 
JDK-8155527   hotspot         New test TestHumongousClassLoader fails with "-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesCo 
JDK-8155574   hotspot         ClassLoader::initialize_module_loader_map crashes if the char_buf is n 
JDK-8155612   hotspot         Aarch64: vector nodes need to support misaligned offset 
JDK-8155617   hotspot         aarch64: ClearArray does not use DC ZVA 
JDK-8155627   hotspot         Enable SA on AArch64 
JDK-8155634   hotspot         Clean out old logging and dead code from SurvRateGroup 
JDK-8155639   hotspot         Remove STEP numbers from error reporting 
JDK-8155653   hotspot         TestVectorUnalignedOffset.java not pushed with 8155612 
JDK-8155678   hotspot         ClassLoader::initialize_module_loader_map should only be called when d 
JDK-8155685   hotspot         Wrong indentation in ClassFileParser::post_process_parsed_stream 
JDK-8155717   hotspot         Aarch64: enable loop superword's unrolling analysis  
JDK-8155721   hotspot         Sparse remset wastes half of entry memory 
JDK-8155727   hotspot         java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/TimedAcquireLeak.java timeouts. 
JDK-8155735   hotspot         use strings instead of Symbol* in JVMCI exception stubs 
JDK-8155738   hotspot         C2: fix frame_complete_offset 
JDK-8155751   hotspot         Some tests miss othervm for main/bootclasspath mode  
JDK-8155754   hotspot         Quarantine serviceability/tmtools/jstat/GcTest02.java 
JDK-8155771   hotspot         [JVMCI] expose JVM_ACC_IS_CLONEABLE_FAST 
JDK-8155790   hotspot         aarch64: debug VM fails to start after 8155617 
JDK-8155810   hotspot         Bound the number of root region scan threads to the number of survivor 
JDK-8155811   hotspot         Remove HeapRegionRemSet::_coarse_dirty flag 
JDK-8155813   hotspot         Fix indentation in G1RemSetScanState::clear_card_table() 
JDK-8155819   hotspot         Support non-continuous CodeBlobs in HotSpot broke Zero 
JDK-8155864   hotspot         api/java_lang/Math/cos_cos6 and sin_sin6 fail 
JDK-8155943   hotspot         Move G1Eden/SurvivorRegions into their own source files 
JDK-8155946   hotspot         Minimal VM fails to built after 8154153: PS: Restore preserved marks i 
JDK-8155951   hotspot         VM crash in nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine: assert failed: C 
JDK-8155958   hotspot         quarantine failing tests from JDK-8155957 
JDK-8155965   hotspot         Unsafe.weakCompareAndSetVolatile entry points and intrinsics 
JDK-8155966   hotspot         Assertion failures when -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 
JDK-8155967   hotspot         aarch64: fix register usage in block zeroing 
JDK-8155992   hotspot         Change name of StealRegionCompactionTask to something that emphasizes  
JDK-8156022   hotspot         Add prediction for cost_per_byte_ms to G1Analytics 
JDK-8156033   hotspot         jhsdb jmap cannot set heapdump name 
JDK-8156050   hotspot         ParallelCompact_test should skip test if UseParallelOldGC is off 
JDK-8156068   hotspot         Unsafe.{get|set}Opaque should be single copy atomic 
JDK-8156072   hotspot         AllocatedObj msgs coming out during -version etc 
JDK-8156088   hotspot         Reintegrate 8153892: Handle unsafe access error directly in signal han 
JDK-8156124   hotspot         Update compiler/unsafe/UnsafeGetConstantField after JDK-8148518 is fix 
JDK-8156126   hotspot         LogCompilation: Dump additional info about deoptimization events 
JDK-8156131   hotspot         C2: MachProj dumps data on tty w/ -XX:+WizardMode 
JDK-8156133   hotspot         FindCrashesAction in HSDB does not work except Solaris platform 
JDK-8156178   hotspot         [JVMCI] expose StubRoutines trig functions 
JDK-8156190   hotspot         [ppc] Fix build after "8151268: Wire up the x86 _vectorizedMismatch st 
JDK-8156480   hotspot         Quarantine compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ReadUncompressedOopTest.java 
JDK-8156660   hotspot         JDK-8150393 does not set _scan_in_progress properly 
JDK-8156681   hotspot         Add jtreg wrapper for hotspot gtest tests 
JDK-8156763   hotspot         Quarantine gc/g1/humongousObjects/objectGraphTest/TestObjectGraphAfter 
JDK-8156789   hotspot         missing condition in ClassPathZipEntry::open_versioned_entry() 
JDK-8156851   hotspot         Compilation error compiling XpatchDupModule.java and XpatchDupJavaBase 
JDK-8156867   hotspot         Simplify/reduce testing in ParallelCompact_test 
JDK-8156882   hotspot         Remove hotspot/test/testlibrary/whitebox 
JDK-8156929   hotspot         [aix] Add missing includes. 
JDK-8156964   hotspot         gc/logging/TestUnifiedLoggingSwitchStress.java hits assert 
JDK-8157028   hotspot         Add make target for running gtest tests 
JDK-8136777   infrastructure  Introduce bundle targets  
JDK-8150601   infrastructure  Remove the old Hotspot build system 
JDK-8154251   infrastructure  ANSI-C Quoting bug in hotspot.m4 during configure on SLES 10 and 11 
JDK-8155786   infrastructure  Determine modules depending on upgradeable modules directly and indire 
JDK-8155950   infrastructure  Add minimal VM in JIB profile on linux-x86 
JDK-8156018   infrastructure  Hotspot visual studio project generation broken 
JDK-8157348   infrastructure  Build fails with certain source configurations 
JDK-8157506   infrastructure  Disable bootcycle build when cross compiling 
JDK-8157507   infrastructure  JDK-8157348 broke gensrc of imported modules 
JDK-8157511   infrastructure  JDK-8157348 broke gensrc of module infos with extra provides 
JDK-8157605   infrastructure  Can't set both CONCURRENCY and EXTRA_JTREG_OPTIONS when running tests 
JDK-8155698   install         undo xml part of 8154788 
JDK-8144062   other-libs      Move jdk.Version to java.lang.Runtime.Version 
JDK-8157061   other-libs      Add support for running jtreg tests from IntelliJ project 
JDK-8046294   security-libs   Generate the 4-byte timestamp randomly 
JDK-8129389   security-libs   javax/net/ssl/DTLS tests fail intermittently 
JDK-8134267   security-libs   javax/net/ssl/TLS/TestJSSE.java fails intermittently with BindExceptio 
JDK-8138766   security-libs   New default -sigalg for keytool 
JDK-8141039   security-libs   Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP 273: DRBG-Based SecureRandom Impl 
JDK-8150468   security-libs   ClassCircularityError on error in security policy file 
JDK-8151856   security-libs   Note that disabledAlgorithms override the same algorithms of legacyAlg 
JDK-8155049   security-libs   New tests from 8144566 fail with "No expected Server Name Indication" 
JDK-8155575   security-libs   Provider.java contains very long lines because of lambda 
JDK-8155847   security-libs   SHA groups needed for jdk.security.provider.preferred 
JDK-8156035   security-libs   Remove intermittent key from sun/security/rsa/SpecTest.java 
JDK-8156606   security-libs   java/security/SecureRandom/Serialize.java gets time out in Linux 
JDK-8157035   security-libs   Use stronger algorithms and keys for JSSE testing 
JDK-8157344   security-libs   Multiple test timeouts after push for JDK-8141039 
JDK-8157417   security-libs   Some of SecureRandom test might get timed out in linux. 
JDK-8157469   security-libs   DefaultProviderList.java fails with no provider class apple.security.A 
JDK-8157526   security-libs   3KeyTDEA word left in DRBG after JDK-8156213 
JDK-8157544   security-libs   Typo in CtrDrbg::toString 
JDK-8054562   tools           document skip results in RunCodingRules.java 
JDK-8078559   tools           Update error message to indicate illegal character when encoding set t 
JDK-8131017   tools           jshell tool: pasting code with tabs invokes tab completion 
JDK-8133549   tools           Generalize jshell's EditingHistory 
JDK-8149599   tools           Update Minefield test 
JDK-8149821   tools           Add VarHandle signature-polymorphic invocation byte code tests 
JDK-8151768   tools           Consider moving pack200 tests to tier 1 
JDK-8152502   tools           tools/jdeps/modules/GenModuleInfo.java and TransitiveDeps fails on win 
JDK-8153042   tools           jdeps should continue to report JDK internal APIs that are removed/ren 
JDK-8153481   tools           tools/jdeps/modules/GenModuleInfo.java and ModuleTest.java fails inter 
JDK-8153884   tools           Expression lambda erroneously compatible with void-returning descripto 
JDK-8153920   tools           jshell tool: allow a parameter on the /vars /methods /classes commands 
JDK-8154180   tools           Regression: stuck expressions do not behave correctly 
JDK-8154812   tools           jshell tool: value printing truncation 
JDK-8154824   tools           Compiler should handle java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException grace 
JDK-8154997   tools           Add examples for jigsaw diagnostics 
JDK-8156101   tools           JShell SPI: Provide a pluggable execution control SPI 
JDK-8156180   tools           javac accepts code that violates JLS chapter 16 
JDK-8156497   tools           Add jar tool support for Multi-Release Modular JARs 
JDK-8156575   tools           Add jdeps -addmods, -system, -inverse options  
JDK-8156602   tools           javac crashes again on Windows 32-bit with ClosedChannelException  
JDK-8156680   tools           jdeps implementation refresh 
JDK-8156910   tools           jshell tool: crash when code with syntax error contains format specifi 
JDK-8156914   tools           jlink API minor cleanups 
JDK-8156954   tools           javac incorrectly complains of incompatible types 
JDK-8157030   tools           langtools dev build broken after classfile version bump 
JDK-8157102   tools           Avoid exceptional control flow in Configuration.getText 
JDK-8157149   tools           Inference: weird propagation of thrown inference variables 
JDK-8157185   tools           jshell tool: ambiguous format -- distinguished arguments should be opt 
JDK-8157200   tools           jshell tool: Add /retain command to persist settings 
JDK-8157211   tools           Mark tools/launcher/FXLauncherTest.java as intermittently failing 
JDK-8157326   tools           Intellij langtools project should use shared run configurations 
JDK-8157391   tools           jdeps left JarFile open 
JDK-8157393   tools           jshell tool: change /set newmode ... to be consistent with /retain mod 
JDK-8157395   tools           jshell tool: allow the position of options on commands to be more flex 
JDK-8157474   tools           clean up/simplify/rename ModuleWrappers class 
JDK-8157517   tools           jshell tool: allow undoing operations 
JDK-8157528   tools           jdk/jshell/ExecutionControlTest.java failed intermittently with NPE 
JDK-8054632   xml             [since-tag]: javadoc for xml classes has invalid @since tag 
JDK-8072579   xml             XjcOptionalPropertyTest.java creates files in test.src 
JDK-8139585   xml             Typo: "APIi" instead of "API" 
JDK-8156845   xml             Uri is getting incorrectly unwrapped 
JDK-8157096   xml             [TEST_BUG] test/javax/xml/bind/xjc/8145039/JaxbMarshallTest.java is sk 

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