a cryptic error on using Java agents in build 144

Roman Shevchenko roman.shevchenko at jetbrains.com
Wed Nov 16 17:36:16 UTC 2016


in jdk9+144, a program launched in a module path mode with a fairly simple
Java agent attached fails with a pretty cryptic error message:

    Unexpected error (113) returned by AddToSystemClassLoaderSearch
    Unable to add /home/sher/Tools/idea/lib/idea_rt.jar to system class
path - the system class loader does not define the
appendToClassPathForInstrumentation method or the method failed
    FATAL ERROR in native method: processing of -javaagent failed

The same agent works just fine in a class path mode; in jdk9+142 it worked
in both modes.
Please advice.

Roman Shevchenko
The Drive to Develop

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