RFR: 8145952: 8164784: Currency update for ISO 4217 Amendment #161 162

Leo Jiang li.jiang at oracle.com
Thu Sep 1 01:32:46 UTC 2016

You mean the **"BYR"** should be added in otherCodes field ?


On 09/01/2016 04:29 AM, Naoto Sato wrote:
> Hi Leo,
> I noticed that "tablea1.txt" has the modified entry for "BY", but it seems to be delimited by a single space character
> instead of a tab. Now I just wonder, does the test "test/java/util/Currency/ValidateISO4217.java" pass? Furthermore, the
> test itself needs to be modified as well because "BYN" should be added in "otherCodes" field.
> I also noticed that the English name for "BYB" is now "Belarusian Ruble (1994–1999)". Note that "New" has been removed.
> Naoto
> On 8/31/16 11:34 AM, Leo Jiang wrote:
>> Thank you Naoto!
>> Updated webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ljiang/8145952/webrev.01/
>> Regards,
>> Leo
>> On 08/31/2016 01:22 AM, Naoto Sato wrote:
>>> Hi Leo,
>>> Here are my comments:
>>> - CurrencyData.properties/tablea1.txt: Since it is already past the
>>> transition date (7/1/16), I think we don't need to
>>> use the transition format. "BY=BYN" should suffice.
>>> - CurrencyNames.properties: the English name for BYR is now
>>> "Belarusian Ruble (2000–2016)" in the latest CLDR data.
>>> Naoto
>>> On 8/30/16 1:31 AM, Leo Jiang wrote:
>>>> Sorry
>>>> Webrev:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ljiang/8145952/webrev.00/
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Leo
>>>> On 08/30/2016 04:29 PM, Leo Jiang wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Please review the change for Currency data update for ISO 4217
>>>>> Amendment #161 162.
>>>>> Bugs:
>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8145952
>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164784
>>>>> Please refer these docs for currency changes.
>>>>> http://www.currency-iso.org/dam/isocy/downloads/dl_currency_iso_amendment_161.pdf
>>>>> http://www.currency-iso.org/dam/isocy/downloads/dl_currency_iso_amendment_162.pdf
>>>>> Have run the builds and test jdk_text for all platform, passed.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Leo

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