Block and Expression Annotations

Ivan Paterno ivan.paterno.mailinglist at
Wed Feb 1 23:04:44 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I'm working on a change to the compiler/reflection library to handle 
Annotation on two new ElementType: EXPRESSION and BLOCK.

Here are some basic examples to explain what i mean:

First on EXPRESSION annotation

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

@interface Test {}

public class SimpleExpression {

     private int field1;
     private static int field2;
     private int field3 = 0;

     public SimpleExpression() {
         this.field1 = @Test() {1};
         field2 = this.field1 + @Test() {2};
         this.field3 = @Test() {this.field1 + @Test() {field2}};


And on BLOCK:

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

@interface Test {

     String someValue() default "";


public class WhileLoop {

     private int a;

     public WhileLoop(int c) {
         @Test() {
             while (c != 0) {
                 this.a += c;

There are very basic example but i have a lot of tests added to my local 
repository. Obviusly i need to create many others to cover the various 

Anybody want to help me make these tests?

If someone is interested in the paper about this features, this is the link:

Walter Cazzola and Edoardo Vacchi, @Java: Annotations in Freedom, in 
Proceedings of 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'13), 
Coimbra, Portugal, March 2013, ACM Press


Ivan Paterno

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