RFR: 8172956: JDK9 msg drop 30 L10n resource update

Leo Jiang li.jiang at oracle.com
Thu Feb 16 05:39:12 UTC 2017

Hi Sherman,

I checked the resolved time of your bug, and the kick off time of this msg drop. Unfortunately your commit was just 
later to this msg drop.

As you didn't change the property value for English, I think I can modify the current localized resource files to match 
your edit. After receiving other feedback, I will create the 2nd webrev to correct this.


On 02/14/2017 11:44 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:
> Hi Leo,
> Took a look at the "jar" related message changes. It appears this change is on top
> of the code before the change for 8172432 (?)
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8172432/webrev/
> in which I renamed some of the properties. For example
> error.versioned.* -> error.validator.*
> If this is the case, we need to either update these files manually to use the new
> entry name ourself, or hold the changes for "jar" related change and wait for vendor's
> next drop?
> Thanks,
> Sherman
> On 2/13/17, 10:32 PM, Leo Jiang wrote:
>> Haven't heard any feedback yet. Pls help to review these l10n message changes.
>> Thanks,
>> Leo
>> On 02/07/2017 10:20 PM, Leo Jiang wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please review
>>> Webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ljiang/MsgDrop-8172956/webrev.00/
>>> for bug:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8172956
>>> Jaxp:
>>> Only few lines updated. In most of files in jaxp repo, we removed the counterpart of useless comment lines already
>>> removed from English resource.
>>> Jdk:
>>> update the l10n resource files to match the changes in English.
>>> Langtools:
>>> Similar to jdk repo, but have new localized files for jdeprscan tool.
>>> Please help us to review
>>>  - over-translate, e.g. keywords should be not translated
>>>  - not-translate, e.g. some sentences or strings are not translated while they should be.
>>>  - any programming syntax error
>>>  - the position of placefolder after translation
>>>  - any other issues.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Leo

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