Acquire/Release vs Volatile in VarHandle

Aleksey Shipilev shade at
Tue Jul 18 16:54:33 UTC 2017

On 07/18/2017 10:30 AM, Gianluca Stivan wrote:
> I've been experimenting with the new VarHandle APIs and especially the
> Acquire/Release and Opaque modes. To my understanding they should map
> pretty much 1-1 to the memory_order_{acquire,release} and
> memory_order_relaxed on C++11.

Yup, see more details here:

> // Unsafe
> @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
> public final Object getObjectAcquire(Object o, long offset) {
>   return getObjectVolatile(o, offset);
> }

This is the fallback version. The actual method body would be generated by an
optimizing compiler, if available and enabled (see @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate).

It would be more revealing to see the generated code with, e.g. JMH -prof
perfasm, as in:

...that would require hsdis compiled for ARMv7, though.

> I then thought, if I can't lower my constraints using the VarHandle APIs,
> maybe I could use fences. But again the results are similar. After some
> more digging, it appears that release/acquire fences compile to a full
> fence (at least on linux_arm).
> // orderAccess_linux_arm.inline.hpp
> inline void OrderAccess::acquire()    { dmb_ld(); }
> inline void OrderAccess::release()    { dmb_sy(); }
> inline void OrderAccess::fence()      { dmb_sy(); }

These are for use from VM code, and they have nothing to do with Java intrinsics
that are compiled differently. I think Java fences go through Unsafe -> C2
intrinsics -> -> MacroAssembler here:

...which seems to corroborate that ARM fences are compiled to dmb_sy, except for
storestore that compiles to dmb_st. Not on AArch64 though, see another
definition above.


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