jdk9-b174: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Jun 14 20:38:49 UTC 2017



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8172510   client-libs     [TEST_BUG][macosx] set autodelay in java/awt/List/ItemEventTest/ItemEv 
JDK-8181192   client-libs     [macos] javafx.print.PrinterJob.showPrintDialog() hangs on macOS 
JDK-8181401   client-libs     Error in Javadoc for JTabbedPane getAccessibleName() 
JDK-8181640   client-libs     Spelling mistake in javadoc: javax.swing.JEditorPane.scrollToReference 
JDK-8180044   core-libs       java/net/httpclient/ManyRequests.java failed due to timeout 
JDK-8181292   core-libs       Backport Rename internal Unsafe.compare methods from 10 to 9 
JDK-8181430   core-libs       HTTP/2 client might deadlock when receiving data during the initial ha 
JDK-8181639   core-libs       Add tool and services information to module summary 
JDK-8181696   core-libs       Package versioning link does not exist in JAR file specification 
JDK-8181824   core-libs       Broken javadoc link in java.util.BitSet 
JDK-8181867   core-libs       [tests] Reorganize EchoHandlers 
JDK-8160828   deploy          Unable to set "java.locale.providers" to use legacy JRE locale data 
JDK-8180911   deploy          No security setting can be found in JCP 
JDK-8161145   hotspot         The min/max macros make hotspot tests fail to build with GCC 6 
JDK-8178064   infrastructure  OpenJDK RI binary should include the license file for freetype 
JDK-8181195   other-libs      Add @Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true) to the java.se.ee aggregat 
JDK-8181461   security-libs   sun/security/krb5/auto/KdcPolicy.java fails with java.lang.Exception:  
JDK-8181797   security-libs   Broken links in specs/security/standard-names.html  
JDK-8181702   xml             Add @Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true) to the jdk.xml.bind and jd 

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