jdk9-b160: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Mar 8 22:19:03 UTC 2017



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8141596   core-libs       java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor/GCRetention.java star 
JDK-8156743   core-libs       ES6 for..of should work for Java Maps and Sets 
JDK-8173909   core-libs       Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-03 
JDK-8174736   core-libs       [JCP] [Mac]Cannot launch JCP on Mac os with language set to "Chinese,  
JDK-8175118   core-libs       Revisit modeling of module directives 
JDK-8176041   core-libs       Optimize handling of comment lines in Properties$LineReader.readLine 
JDK-8176162   core-libs       com/sun/jndi/dns/Parser.java is not executed 
JDK-8176185   core-libs       java/util/TimeZone/UTCAliasTest.java is not run 
JDK-8176187   core-libs       jdk/internal/misc/JavaLangAccess/NewUnsafeString.java is not run 
JDK-8176033   infrastructure  New cygwin grep does not match 
 as newline 
JDK-8176084   infrastructure  Developer-friendly run-test facility 
JDK-8176196   infrastructure  sed from FindTests.gmk prints warnings 
JDK-8171319   security-libs   keytool should print out warnings when reading or generating cert/cert 
JDK-8175846   security-libs   Provide javadoc descriptions for jdk.policytool and jdk.crypto.* modul 
JDK-8176182   security-libs   4 security tests are not run 
JDK-8176213   security-libs   78 sun/security/krb5/auto tests failing due to undeclared dependecies 
JDK-8174996   tools           jar leaves temporary file when exception occur in creating jar 
JDK-8175000   tools           jexec fails to execute simple helloworld.jar 
JDK-8175304   tools           JShell tool: The /reset command hangs after setting a startup script 
JDK-8175560   tools           Drop String pkgName from javax.tools.JavaFileManager.getLocationForMod 
JDK-8175561   tools           Memory churn in jimage code affects startup after resource encapsulati 
JDK-8175790   tools           field JCVariableDecl.vartype can't be null after post attribution anal 
JDK-8175886   tools           JShell: crash on tab-complete with NPE. 
JDK-8176184   tools           JShell tests: jdk/jshell/CompletionSuggestionTest.testImportStart(): f 
JDK-8176241   tools           JShell tests: on full builds CompletionSuggestionTest.testImportStart( 

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