jdk9-b161: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Mar 15 14:59:13 UTC 2017



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-6490753   client-libs     Vista:JComboBox doesn't looks as native combobox in different states o 
JDK-6622944   client-libs     Use package-info.java instead of package.html within awt packages 
JDK-7119774   client-libs     [macosx] test ComponentMousePositionTest sometimes fail on Mac 
JDK-7124218   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Space should select cell in the JTable 
JDK-8033128   client-libs     Javadoc change is required for java.awt.Robot(GraphicsDevice screen) c 
JDK-8039888   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] keyboard garbage after javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRoot 
JDK-8140329   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] test FullScreenAfterSplash.java failed because image was no 
JDK-8152683   client-libs     Deadlock when resuming from sleep with different monitor setup 
JDK-8158209   client-libs     Editing in TableView breaks the layout, when the document is I18n 
JDK-8162959   client-libs     [HiDPI] screenshot artifacts using AWT Robot 
JDK-8163979   client-libs     [macosx] Chinese text shows as Latin w/ openVanilla input method 
JDK-8168307   client-libs     Toolkit.getScreenSize() returns incorrect size on unix in multiscreen  
JDK-8170552   client-libs     [macosx] Wrong rendering of diacritics on macOS 
JDK-8171808   client-libs     Performance problems in dialogs with large tables when JAB activated 
JDK-8172500   client-libs     Create test for SwingSet SliderDemo 
JDK-8172804   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] SwingSet Automation: Jemmy Library : FrameOperator: maximiz 
JDK-8173972   client-libs     createScreenCapture not working as expected on multimonitor setup with 
JDK-8174161   client-libs     [TESTBUG] Create test for SwingSet DialogDemo 
JDK-8174237   client-libs     [TESTBUG] [macosx] Jemmy: JSlider cannot scroll to negative value on M 
JDK-8175025   client-libs     The copyright section in the test/java/awt/font/TextLayout/DiacriticsD 
JDK-8175066   client-libs     Compilation error due to tag in JDK-8162959 
JDK-8175266   client-libs     Use package-info.java instead of package.html within swing packages 
JDK-8175293   client-libs     Window size is not updated after setting location to display with diff 
JDK-8175831   client-libs     Provide a javadoc description for jdk.accessibility module 
JDK-8176009   client-libs     The awt robot use incorrect location in a multi-screen environment 
JDK-8176046   client-libs     Replace package.html files with package-info.java in the java.desktop  
JDK-8176097   client-libs     Window set location to a display with different DPI does not properly  
JDK-8167525   core-libs       update jdk tests to remove @compile --add-modules workaround 
JDK-8175184   core-libs       Annotation processor observes interface private methods as default met 
JDK-8175209   core-libs       Account for race condition in java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChan 
JDK-8175325   core-libs       NetworkInterface.getInterfaceAddresses throws NPE when no addresses 
JDK-8175797   core-libs       (ref) Reference::enqueue method should clear referent before enqueuing 
JDK-8176029   core-libs       Linebreak matcher is not equivalent to the pattern as stated in javado 
JDK-8176044   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2017a 
JDK-8176155   core-libs       SubmissionPublisher closeExceptionally() may override close() 
JDK-8176195   core-libs       Fix misc module dependencies in jdk_core tests 
JDK-8176235   core-libs       Minor updates to java.sql and javax.sql package.html 
JDK-8176237   core-libs       (fs) java/nio/file/FileStore/Basic.java should conditionally check Fil 
JDK-8176266   core-libs       Make visitUnknown specification more explicit 
JDK-8176303   core-libs       Flow.Subscription.request(0) should be treated as an error 
JDK-8176317   core-libs       (ch) Add print of timeout value to java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocke 
JDK-8176332   core-libs       Increase sleep time in java/nio/channels/Selector/ChangingInterests.ja 
JDK-8176337   core-libs       Mark several tests as intermittently failing 
JDK-8176394   core-libs       Incorrect relational operator in java/nio/channels/FileChannel/Interru 
JDK-8176477   core-libs       Use DirectiveVisitor to print module information 
JDK-8176511   core-libs       JSObject property access is broken for numeric keys outside the int ra 
JDK-8176537   core-libs       Add test to check JDK modules to have no qualifed exports to upgradeab 
JDK-7132577   core-svc        javax/management/monitor/MultiMonitorTest.java fails in JDK8-B22 
JDK-8175512   core-svc        new TestPrintMdo.java fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 
JDK-8028538   deploy          Fedora Linux issue with jnlp-servlet.jar demo source code license 
JDK-8172691   deploy          At step7.There is no security pop-ups,but there is a Application Block 
JDK-8173230   deploy          More cases failed due to use disabledAlgorithm SHA-1 
JDK-8174042   deploy          Incorrect expiration date for JDK 9 EA build 155 
JDK-8175558   deploy          TCK failure on MacOSX: The file can not be opened or saved 
JDK-8139906   hotspot         assert(src->section_index_of(target) == CodeBuffer::SECT_NONE) failed: 
JDK-8168914   hotspot         Crash in ClassLoaderData/JNIHandleBlock::oops_do during concurrent mar 
JDK-8175085   hotspot         [REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles 
JDK-8175336   hotspot         [TESTBUG] aot junit tests added by 8169588 are not executed. 
JDK-8175567   hotspot         Build of hotspot for arm-vfp-sflt fails 
JDK-8175811   hotspot         [JVMCI] StubRoutines::_multiplyToLen symbol needs to be exported 
JDK-8175887   hotspot         C1 value numbering handling of Unsafe.get*Volatile is incorrect 
JDK-8175913   hotspot         EventSettings should use java.lang.String 
JDK-8175917   hotspot         [JVMCI] Avoid long JNI handle chains 
JDK-8175307   infrastructure  rpath macro needs to use an argument on macosx 
JDK-8176172   infrastructure  Imported FX modules have have  residual_imported.marker file 
JDK-8176469   infrastructure  Warnings from the build: Unknown module: jdk.rmic specified in --patch 
JDK-8176509   infrastructure  Use pandoc for converting build readme to html 
JDK-8176183   security-libs   sun/security/mscapi/SignedObjectChain.java fails on Windows 
JDK-8176350   security-libs   Usage constraints don't take effect when using PKIX 
JDK-8176400   security-libs   Problemlist sun/security/ssl/X509KeyManager/PreferredKey.java due to J 
JDK-8176542   security-libs   Missing @Deprecated arguments for jdk.policytool 
JDK-8174974   tools           Annotation type pages generated by javadoc is missing module informati 
JDK-8175198   tools           Javac incorrectly allows receiver parameters in annotation methods 
JDK-8175235   tools           type inference regression after JDK-8046685 
JDK-8175317   tools           javac does not issue unchecked warnings when checking method reference 
JDK-8175799   tools           module summary page shows duplicated output 
JDK-8175860   tools           javadoc crashes with incorrect module sourcepath 
JDK-8176131   tools           Simplify new Taglet API 
JDK-8176265   tools           Method overload resolution on a covariant base type doesn't work in 9 
JDK-8176331   tools           Simplify new doclet packages 
JDK-8176333   tools           jdeps error message should include a proper MR jar file name 
JDK-8176412   tools           jshell tool: automatic imports are excluded on /reload causing it to f 
JDK-8176470   tools           javac Pretty printer should include doc comment for modules 
JDK-8176482   tools           Use of DirectiveVisitor needs @DefinedBy annotation for RunCodingRules 
JDK-8176492   tools           @since value errors in java.compiler module 
JDK-8175830   xml             Provide javadoc description for jdk.xml.dom module 

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