jdk9-b163: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Mar 29 22:17:27 UTC 2017



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8160270   client-libs     dual-screen issue with java.awt.Choice 
JDK-8173853   client-libs     IllegalArgumentException in java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter 
JDK-8174845   client-libs     Bad scaling on Windows with large fonts with Java 9ea 
JDK-8175301   client-libs     Java GUI hangs on Windows when Display set to 125%  
JDK-8176177   client-libs     The new SwingContainer annotation can be removed from javax.accessibil 
JDK-8176287   client-libs     [macosx] The print test crashed with Nimbus L&F 
JDK-8176448   client-libs     [macos] Popups in JCombobox and Choice have incorrect location in mult 
JDK-8176528   client-libs     Progress state for window is not displayed in taskbar 
JDK-8176530   client-libs     JDK support for JavaFX modal print dialogs 
JDK-8176883   client-libs     Enable antialiasing for Metal L&F icons on HiDPI display 
JDK-8174823   core-libs       Module system implementation refresh (3/2017) 
JDK-8176865   core-libs       overridden api has a wrong since value in java.base module 
JDK-8177036   core-libs       Class.checkMemberAccess throws NPE when calling Class methods via JNI 
JDK-8177313   core-libs       Move FJExceptionTableLeak.java and ConfigChanges.java back to tier1 
JDK-8177383   core-libs       Wrong @modules in java/io/FilePermission/ReadFileOnPath.java 
JDK-8177474   core-libs       Do not emit warnings when illegal access is allowed by --add-exports/- 
JDK-8177550   core-libs       (fc) Enable java/nio/channels/FileChannel/{Transfer4GBFile.java,Transf 
JDK-8177564   core-libs       Remove check for Windows XP and Server 2003 in java/nio/channels/Datag 
JDK-8177565   core-libs       java/nio/channels/Selector/SelectorLimit.java disabled for Windows rel 
JDK-8177678   core-libs       Overstatement of universality of Era.getDisplayName() implementation 
JDK-8175258   deploy          [test] Some cases in FXOcspAndCrlCheckTest failed due to bad cert dial 
JDK-8176071   deploy          Java Deployment Toolkit needs to support JDK 8 and the Firefox ESR 
JDK-8176524   deploy          Update doc links in Java Control Panel for JDK 9 
JDK-8175262   hotspot         Internal Error vm/runtime/objectMonitor.cpp:276 assert(Self->_Stalled  
JDK-8175340   hotspot         Possible invalid memory accesses due to ciMethodData::bci_to_data() re 
JDK-8175345   hotspot         49 Null pointer dereference defect groups in 21 files 
JDK-8176098   hotspot         Deprecate FlatProfiler 
JDK-8176363   hotspot         Incorrect lock rank for G1 PtrQueue related locks 
JDK-8176442   hotspot         [aix] assert(_thr_current == 0L) failed: Thread::current already initi 
JDK-8176471   hotspot         [TESTBUG] runtime/modules/IgnoreModulePropertiesTest.java fails with O 
JDK-8176505   hotspot         Wrong assertion 'should be an array copy/clone' in arraycopynode.cpp 
JDK-8176513   hotspot         Poor code quality for ByteBuffers 
JDK-8176555   hotspot         Invoke newRecording on mbean jdk.management.jfr and server halts 
JDK-8176573   hotspot         Do not use FLAG_SET_ERGO to update MaxRAM for emulated client 
JDK-8176593   hotspot         Throwable::getStackTrace performance regression 
JDK-8177095   hotspot         Range check dependent CastII/ConvI2L is prematurely eliminated 
JDK-8177346   hotspot         hotspot change for 8176513 breaks jdk9 build on Ubuntu 16.04 
JDK-8177531   hotspot         libGetNamedModuleTest.c crash when printing NULL-pointer 
JDK-8177661   hotspot         AArch64: Incorrect C2 patterns cause system register corruption 
JDK-8177324   security-libs   Some javax/security/ tests don't have correct module dependencies 
JDK-8174826   tools           jlink support for linking in service provider modules 
JDK-8176231   tools           javadoc -javafx creates bad link when Property is an array of objects 
JDK-8176481   tools           javadoc does not consider mandated modules 
JDK-8176714   tools           javac is wrongly assuming that field JCMemberReference.overloadKind ha 
JDK-8176836   tools           Provide Taglet with context 
JDK-8177097   tools           Generic method reference returning wildcard parameterized type does no 
JDK-8177392   tools           Fix default verbosity for IntelliJ Ant logger wrapper 
JDK-8177350   xml             Two missed in the change from ${java.home}/lib to ${java.home}/conf 

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