jdk9-b169: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed May 10 20:02:11 UTC 2017



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8140237   client-libs     [TEST_BUG]Test  javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8041642/bug8041642.java fails  
JDK-8159902   client-libs     OGL surfaces are not HiDPI compatible on Linux/Solaris 
JDK-8160530   client-libs     [TEST-BUG] Consistent failure of java/awt/dnd/MissingEventsOnModalDial 
JDK-8178905   client-libs     Undecorated frame is not painted on OEL7(Gnome3). 
JDK-8178971   client-libs     Uncommon formatting and typos in java.desktop module 
JDK-8178984   client-libs     Unnecessary angle brackets in the Line2D::intersectsLine() javadoc. 
JDK-8179027   client-libs     JComboBox too small under Windows LAF 
JDK-8179365   client-libs     JAWT (AWT Native Interface) specification needs to be updated for JDK  
JDK-8179596   client-libs     Update java.desktop to be HTML-5 friendly 
JDK-8020801   core-libs       Apply the restriction of invoking MethodHandles.lookup to j.l.r.Method 
JDK-8023897   core-libs       Replace/update/rename executeAndCatch in various tests to assertThrows 
JDK-8178380   core-libs       Module system implementation refresh (5/2017) 
JDK-8179634   core-libs       Add JDBC 4.2 to builet list in package.html 
JDK-8179645   core-libs       java.util.jar.Packer.newPacker and newUnpacker fails when running with 
JDK-8179662   core-libs       OutputStreamWriter javadocs states that you can set the buffer size bu 
JDK-8179950   core-libs       Custom system class loader using Enum.valueOf in its initialization tr 
JDK-8177721   core-svc        Improve diagnostics in sun.management.Agent#startAgent() 
JDK-8179538   core-svc        Update jdk.jdi to be HTML-5 friendly 
JDK-8179566   globalization   Jaxws 2.2 API msg update : wrapperTask.needEndorsed and runtime.modele 
JDK-8179070   hotspot         nashorn+octane's box2d causes c2 to crash with "Bad graph detected in  
JDK-8179438   infrastructure  Incremental builds broken on Windows 
JDK-8179453   infrastructure  Add a proper SetupProcessMarkdown 
JDK-8179557   infrastructure  Update generated Javadoc footer documentation link 
JDK-8179658   infrastructure  Build failed on Linux64 after JDK-8179453 Add a proper SetupProcessMar 
JDK-8179879   infrastructure  Clarify install.sh 
JDK-8179889   infrastructure  Fix typographic errors in copyright headers 
JDK-8178912   other-libs      Remove sample/chatserver/ChatTest.java and sample/mergesort/MergeSortT 
JDK-8179852   other-libs      Remove references to demo tests from TEST.groups 
JDK-8178014   security-libs   CryptoPolicyParser's API comment contains < and > characters 
JDK-8179451   security-libs   Confidential copyright header in openjdk 
JDK-8179531   tools           JShell: fails to provide bytecode for dynamically created lambdas 
JDK-8150256   xml             removing xerces-related dead code 

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