Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Nov 2 08:03:07 UTC 2017

On 01/11/2017 21:19, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> On 1 November 2017 at 20:41, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
>> Going forward then the proposal is to remove CORBA from Java SE and the JDK.
> I think the key question here is whether a community GitHub project
> could be created taking the original OpenJDK source code for CORBA in
> the original packages, maintain it and release it.
Maybe, although there is also tooling such as the IDL compiler, a 
back-end for the RMI compiler to generate IIOP stubs and IDL, and 
several other tools.

The other possibility is the Java EE move to Eclipse as I assume that 
will include the RI, as in Glassfish with its dependency on CORBA. It 
would need some tooling and probably the JNDI CosNaming provider but 
otherwise might be an alternative replacement for those that want to 
keeping this area alive.


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