wscompile issues

Peter Major peter.major at
Fri Sep 1 08:06:02 UTC 2017


2017. 09. 01. 8:17 keltezéssel, Alan Bateman írta:
> Is this JAX-RPC or the standalone version of the JAX-WS? Just checking
> as I thought the tools in the later were updated several years ago to
> use the API.

I'm using wscompile to generate JAX-RPC server side stubs based on a
WSDL in a legacy application. If there is a better way to approach this
(without breaking existing clients), I would love to learn about it.

> From your mail it sounds like the `wscompile`
> tool is forking `javac` and isn't picking up the environment and CLI
> options that are needed to compile the generated code.

It is actually using reflection to execute, but
the compilation arguments are missing the --add-modules parameter.

Having had to look at this again, I had to realize that wscompile is in
no way actually part of the JDK, it's coming from the jaxrpc-impl
project. I must have gotten confused by wsgen/wsimport/wscompile at one
point... :(

//So it does look I was missing something glaringly obvious in the end.

Thanks for your time, and sorry about the rookie mistake.

Best Regards,
Peter Major

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